Tucker And Candice Are Not Antisemites — Commentators Tucker Carlson and Candice Owens are being ripped as antisemites.
Tucker’s big sin was a 40-minute interview posted on X, April 9, with Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church of Bethlehem.
“To me Christians should be for peace,” Pastor Munther said. “We wish you (the United States) was investing all of this energy and money in initiatives and money that bring peace not continuing to support Israel unconditionally without holding them accountable which in my opinion is what drove us to this mess right now, with the catastrophe of thousands of Palestinians killed and October 7 and all of that.”
This handwaves past that big ugly elephant in the room, namely that October 7 happened.
Israel’s war in Gaza is an indisputable a war of necessity. A nation can’t allow its daughters to be raped to death or its elderly tortured to death in front of family members. That is what the Gazans directed by Hamas did.
Pastor Munther makes many good points such as Christian Zionism not being very Christian. If this interviewed was published Oct. 6, we would find ourselves in agreement with much of it.
October 7 happened, however, and Tucker deserves all the criticism he is getting for failing to emphasize that Hamas’ attack is without excuse and Israel’s response is necessary self-defense. Hamas is evil. It must be destroyed. After that happens, perhaps what Pastor Munther says should be considered.
Calling Tucker antisemitic, though, is unfair and counter-productive.
He has never in his long public life gave any indication that he hates Jews. This interview, despite its timing and shallowness, is basically a call for peace.
A misguided one but nevertheless a sincere one.
Rather than condemn him, we encourage him to interview Mosab Hassan Yousef, who is the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, and eloquently articulates the culture of poison that infects almost all Palestinians.
This gets us to Candace.
Tucker deserves grief but Ms. Owens does not.
Her sins were sticking up for Kanye West; expressing sympathy for Palestinian civilians; posting “Christ is King” on X on Palm Sunday; getting into a battle with Rabbi/TV personality Shmuley Boteach; and beating Rabbi Michael Barclay in a debate.
An excellent defense of Ms. Owens was by Elliot Resnick of Israel National News.
Using “antisemitism” and “racism” to score political points cheapens the words, which are meant to imply that someone wants to kill or enslave those of a religion or “race.”
No decent person would want to associate with someone who wishes those things.
Racism and antisemitism must only describe those who truly want to do them and never for anything else.

Yeah, Seb Gorka talked about Carlson Thursday, and his position was that Carlson shouldn’t have broadcast the radical pastor’s speech. Gorka made the same argument when Carlson interviewed Putin, too. In other words, Gorka believes in suppressing viewpoints with which he doesn’t agree. I think there’s a bit of hypocrisy there, given how much of his content has been suppressed on Twitter/X, YouTube and elsewhere.
Carlson does a service by letting people like that speak, so we can listen and judge for ourselves.