Tucker Interviews Alex Jones

Tucker Interviews Alex Jones — Tucker Carlson posted on X an hour-and-a-half long interview with Alex Jones, yesterday, Dec. 7.

It’s recommended watching.

Jones points out that the scum running our corporations, universities and “non-governmental organizations” really do hate us.

Further, they want us to hate each other whether it’s because of sex or race or class or religion.

Ultimately, they want us all dead, which we’ve noted before.

“Conspiracy theory” no longer works as an snarky rebuttal, by the way.

We actually find ourselves having to say “just because it’s a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean it’s true.”

Here’s the interview:

Tucker Interviews Alex Jones

Tucker Interviews Alex Jones

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Not Crazy

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Not Crazy — Congressional firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene (R?-GA14) spoke with Tucker Carls0n for 37 minutes and Tucker posted the interview, yesterday, Nov. 30.

She persuasively describes the captured, cowardly and instinctive cronyism of our legislative branch, especially those calling themselves “conservatives.”

She explains her support for dethroned Speaker Kevin McCarthy and gives little reassurance that his replacement Mike Johnson (R-La4) is up for the task.

What MTG does best, though, is debunk the numerous smears against her that she is crazy or an extremist.

The interview is worth watch and here it is:

By the way, the captured, cowardly and instinctive cronyism of those calling themselves “conservatives was just demonstrated a few hours ago. George Santos, the Republican who represented 3rd Congressional District was expelled by a 311 to 114 vote, with 105 Republicans joining the Democrats.

For what? Well, he had not been convicted of any crime. Apparently, it was just being a political hack.

The most blood-boiling thing is that he was far from the worst in the House. A dozen Ds can be named whose demonstrable deeds are more despicable starting with Adam Schiff.

Those who don’t fight, don’t win.

Democrat voters, please wake up to the reality that the people running things hate you every bit as much as they hate us. The difference is that they are laughing at you when you vote for them.

Republican hacks don’t do that with us. They actually kind of look at us with nervous suspicion.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Not Crazy

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Not Crazy

If I Were An Evil Government Official

If I Were An Evil Government Official — Highly viewed, influential and respected Tucker Carlson is doubling down on his claim that the US government is hiding wreckage of extraterrestrial space ships and the bodies of their pilots.

He cites testimony from “high level” whistleblowers as proof.

He accuses Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Ala3) and Congressman Mike Turner (R-Oh10) of preventing the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023 passed in July from being implemented.

Just sayin, but if I was an evil government official, I’d drop strong hints that ET was real and that we had his tech.

Then, at an appropriate moment, I’d have some lizardly AI-created thing appear simultaneously on broadcast and the web, say Klaatu Barada Necktie or whatever, then declare that we all had to get chipped and eat bugs.

Oh, and that he had tasked certain people such as evil government officials as the overseers to make sure this happens.

Question for Tucker: Was the fate of these UFO whistleblowers the same as the FBI whistleblowers or are they landing on their feet?

Here is his X-cast from Nov. 28:

If I Were An Evil Government Official

Republican Bloodbath Discussed On Don’t Back Down

Republican Bloodbath Discussed On Don’t Back Down — Just got back from One Bala Plaza guesting on WWDB’s Don’t Back Down show with Stan Cascio, Andy Teitelman and Liz Diehl. Topic was yesterday’s (Nov. 7) Republican bloodbath. Fellow guests included the sagacious Gary Heasley of ChescoUnited and the tenacious Josh Prince of PrinceLaw.

The show airs 1-3 p.m., Wednesdays on WWDB 860 AM which can also be streamed on line.

We hear the guest Nov. 22 will be Joe Guzzardi who is one of our frequent contributors.

Republican Bloodbath Discussed On Don't Back Down

Derek Chauvin Is Innocent

Derek Chauvin Is Innocent — Former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin did not kill George Floyd on May 25, 2020 according to Tucker Carlson’s latest (Oct. 20) X-cast.

The evidence Tucker and Vince Everett Ellison present is conclusive.

Chauvin is an innocent man serving a 22-year sentence.

He needs to be freed.

Doubt us watch this:

Tucker makes a minor mistake in claiming Chauvin has a 40 year sentence. He has a 22.5-year state sentence for murder and a 21-year federal sentence for civil rights violations but they are running concurrently.

Derek Chauvin Is Innocent

Transgender Explosion Traced To Greed Says Tucker Guest

Transgender Explosion Traced To Greed Says Tucker Guest — Tucker Carlson’s X-cast, Oct. 4, revealed that greed is behind the epidemic of young people wanting to change their sex.

Explaining this was Chris Moritz, a long-time investment banker, who followed the money behind this pseudo-medical scheme.

He said that the sex-reassignment market, which includes surgeries and pharmaceuticals, had $2.94 billion in sales in 2018. This rose to $4.18 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit $7.5 billion by 2030.

“The biggest single policy catalyst for this explosion is Obamacare,”Moritz said.

He said that when the law was enacted in 2010 it quietly included a mandate that insurance companies provide coverage for “medically necessary” gender affirming care.

By 2016, sex reassignment surgeries had increased by 50 percent.

That same year, just before Obama left office, the law was amended to prohibit “gender identity” as a reason for insurance companies to deny coverage.

Sex reassignment surgeries boomed 150 percent in the next year.

Trump revoked this provision but the Biden administration almost immediately put it back

Moritz said that in 2013 the American Psychiatric Association changed The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) from its decades-old definition that transgenderism was a mental illness to one that should be treated physically with chemicals and scalpels.

Transgender Explosion Traced To Greed Says Tucker Guest
Chris Moritz and Tucker Carlson

Also the name was changed from gender identity disorder or transsexualism to gender dysphoria.

“If you remove the pharmaceuticals, if you remove the surgeries, what are you left with?” Moritz said. “You’re left with a . . . cross-dresser.”

Carlson noted that the stakes are low with cross dressing.

“You’re not defacing your body,” he said. “You’re not stopping the natural process of maturation.”

Moritz said that there had been no long-term study on the effects of these procedures on children despite the use of powerful and, obviously, life-altering drugs.

The bad results from these treatments are not widely publicized.

A California study of 869 vaginoplasty patients found that 25 percent required hospitalization afterwards, and that 44 of patients had to have major surgery due to bowel injuries and bleeding, Moritz said.

And the procedure is associated with the total, irreversible loss sensation and sexual function.

Moritz said that mastectomies are increasingly being performed on girls.

The Biden Administration has endorsed genital reconstructive surgery for minors, he said.

The interview features some grisly details on vaginoplasty that every parent even thinking about doing this to their kid should hear.

One shocking revelation is that Iran is one of the largest centers for sex reassignment surgery. Apparently the mullahs, like American college presidents, really believe that this can make a man into a women.

No need to throw him off a building, then, if he should have sex with a man.

Here is the complete interview, which as of Oct. 6 has been looked at by 34.3 million.

Paxton Confirms Vote Fraud Cost Trump Election

Paxton Confirms Vote Fraud Cost Trump Election — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who weathered a vicious lawfare attack which ended with his Sept. 16 acquittal in an impeachment trial before his state’s Senate gave a 46-minute interview with Tucker Carlson that was posted yesterday, Sept. 20.

Paxton confirms vote fraud is real and widespread. He says Donald Trump would have lost Texas in 2020 if steps taken by his office to squelch the plan. He says Trump lost Georgia because what was stopped in Texas was not stopped there.

Paxton also says that the Republican establishment is every bit as corrupt as the Democrat.

He noted that the Bush family and Karl Rove were instrumental in the impeachment effort against him. Paxton shockingly says the Democrats basically control the Texas dispute the GOP’s overwhelming majority because the 65 Democrats vote as a body and can almost always find 11 Rs to buy off. He says that’s how Dade Phelan became Texas House Speaker.

Paxton hinted that he is considering primarying U.S. Senator John Cornyn, who he says is basically a tool of the globalists and the Bushes.

Here is the interview

Paxton Confirms Vote Fraud Cost Trump Election

Paxton Confirms Vote Fraud Cost Trump Election in 2020

Hungarian PM Praises Trump On Tucker

Hungarian PM Praises Trump On Tucker — Tucker Carlson’s 20th episode on X is a 30-minute interview with popular Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán released Aug. 29.

Topics include the Ukrainian war, the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipleline — almost certainly by the Biden Administration –and the loss of freedom in the West due to its institutions falling under the control of rather bigoted ideologues who consider themselves intellectuals enlightened to such a degree they can kill, lie and rob with impunity as it is all for the “greater good”.

Orban pointedly praises Donald Trump whom he describes as having the best US foreign policy in decades. He says the Ukrainian War would never have happened it he stayed as president. He says America can end the killing there in an instant.

The vid in English has 63.4 million views as of 10:18 a.m., Aug. 30 with another 1.1 million in one with Hungarian subtitles.

Here it is:

Hungarian PM Praises Trump On Tucker

Hungarian PM Praises Trump On Tucker

Bad Character Means Bad Times And Bad Times Are Coming

Bad Character Means Bad Times And Bad Times Are Coming — The biggest problem facing the United States is character.

Weak, indifferent people have picked corrupt leaders. They’ve avoided obvious questions and when they did ask they happily believed the bald lies they were given as answers.

We attended last night’s (Aug. 24) meeting of Chesco United in Malvern.

The topic was Pennsylvania Auditor General Tim DeFoor’s audit of 12 school districts including Abington, Lower Merion and West Chester.

It was revealed that all these districts — and it is fair to extrapolate this to the rest of the state — routinely pass big tax hikes despite having budget surpluses in the tens of millions of dollars.

This means real suffering is occurring among taxpayers — especially among property owners — and none of it is necessary.

What are they doing with this money?

Inflated administrative salaries, featherbedded jobs and unneeded yet overpriced construction projects bestowed on politically connected firms are just three things.

We the people must say no to save our homes, our freedom and the next generation.

We must learn to discern and ignore the name-calling and gaslighting from the government/corporate media that invariably swamps those who speak out to the point they are a threat.

If we don’t learn to stand up to the lies the global warming we will experience will be entirely due a lack of air conditioning.

Yeah, the globalist hiked the air conditioner efficiency standard in January.

One contractor just told us that a fix that would have cost about $800 last year is now $20K.

The people don’t have to accept this.

You don’t have to tolerate Barack Obama, Josh Shapiro and Hunter Biden living in luxury while you eat bugs.

Our national debt is now $32 trillion which means every citizen is on the hook for $200K.

Or not.

If we stand together and stop obeying those who claim to be our betters we can negotiate that down quite a bit.

It will take character though.

Tucker Carlson interviewed retired Col. Douglas Macgregor, Aug. 21, who pointed out that there are 44 four-star officers in our military now whereas at the height of World War II we had just seven.

The vast majority of those four-stars have their eye on a soft life as a board member at Raytheon or Boeing or some new version of Theranos, rather than serving our nation.

Why else would they mandate the vax to the point were thousands took a discharge rather than the jab, while hundreds of thousands of others took the jab unwillingly.

Any of them resign in protest? These guys have other priorities than winning a war much less defending our borders.

People, say no. Scorn the corporate media mouthpieces. Snap back at the guilt trips they try to dump on you. Embrace the persecuted and those victims of lawfare.

Most importantly attend public meetings and vote. Anyone who tells you your vote doesn’t matter is the enemy.

The ones running things now are not the good guys.

Bad Character Means Bad Times And Bad Times Are Coming
This is the good guy

Ice Cube And Bank Redlining

Ice Cube And Bank Redlining — Tucker Carlson posted an excellent interview with Ice Cube on July 26 in which Cube said that among the issues facing the Black community was that it couldn’t get small business loans.

“There’s a big problem in this country with the financial banking system and Black people, and our access to capital,” said Cube (16:50).

He cited a guy who owned a lot in South Central Los Angeles and couldn’t get a loan to put up a store and implied redlining.

Maybe it is racism. Probably it is not. Banks don’t loan their own money. The money belongs to depositors and it is beyond irresponsible to unwisely risk it.

Not saying it doesn’t happen but it certainly is beyond irresponsible.

Here’s a suggestion and it’s a serious one. Cube obviously has a lot of disposable income. He, wisely, turned down a $9 million movie deal rather than tempt fate with Pfizer.

So, Cube, you make the loans. Scout out people in your community who have integrity and talent and dreams of doing business there, and underwrite them.

And these would be loans, not gifts or grants. You would make them sign a promissory note and put up collateral. You would charge interest.

Unlike a bank the money is yours so you don’t have to be a complete SOB if payment is slow. You don’t have to take someone’s home.

On the other hand, you can certainly do some shaming if the debtor isn’t trying or squandering what you loaned him.

And you could still take the collatoral.

Use A.P. Giannini as a model.

If the problem is racism, that ironically is a good thing. That means there is a gold mine there.

Racism is irrational. If a hard-working skilled fellow with integrity is being rejected as an investment only because of his skin pigmentation, one will more than make his money back by giving him a loan.

And if a whole lot of hard-working skilled people with integrity aren’t getting serviced, the one who invests in them will make a whole lot of money back.

Like we said, gold mine.

Even more than rapping.

Here’s Tucker’s interview:

Ice Cube And Bank Redlining
The next J.P. Morgan?

Ice Cube And Bank Redlining