Republican Bloodbath Discussed On Don’t Back Down — Just got back from One Bala Plaza guesting on WWDB’s Don’t Back Down show with Stan Cascio, Andy Teitelman and Liz Diehl. Topic was yesterday’s (Nov. 7) Republican bloodbath. Fellow guests included the sagacious Gary Heasley of ChescoUnited and the tenacious Josh Prince of PrinceLaw.
The show airs 1-3 p.m., Wednesdays on WWDB 860 AM which can also be streamed on line.
We hear the guest Nov. 22 will be Joe Guzzardi who is one of our frequent contributors.
Per my comment on the previous thread.
I am convinced the Republicans can’t win because they don’t want to win. This all starts at the local committee level.
In Aston township they have a small club that no one is invited to. Many elected official have double duty. Several commissioners are also committee people. Same thing with the school board.
I have been told “vetting candidates is not our job” among other equally offensive statements from these clowns.
They were so myopically focused on a single contested school board seat (one of nine) that they did nothing to help our county level candidates. They only help their own and those they believe they can control.
One of these double duty types even had the nerve to me “if so and so doesn’t get elected we will have a socialist on the school board.” Do they not realize what the all D county council and their ilk is and is doing, literally socialism.
Not to mention no one is donating to the GOP like before. The township GOP took in hundreds yet spent thousands. Would love to know where that funding came from.
And don’t forget how obsessed the local and county GOP were last year and how much good money after bad was thrown at Dave White because he was “going to bring home the bacon for Delco” then refused to do anything of substance to help Mastriano. Dave White was never going to win a state wide election.
March 2024 we take back our party starting with the local committee seats or we are doomed to Democrat Socialist one party rule for decades.
We need to get smart and remove Every RINO and DUC from these committee seats next year and fill the empty seats that in many cases are purposefully kept empty to consolidate votes.
See where Ronna just said that Vivek won’t get a penny?
Great leadership vs. Ronna Romney McDaniel. Unfortunately she won and the Republican electorate lost…again!
Great job on the show Bill! Thanks for joining us.
Thanks Andy.
It’ a great show.