Republican Bloodbath Was Not Vote Fraud

Republican Bloodbath Was Not Vote Fraud — There will be a temptation to blame yesterday’s, Nov. 7, Democratic victory on vote fraud.

It wasn’t

I’m a poll worker and the Democrat turnout in my Republican precinct in Delaware County, Pa. was overwhelming.

I watched in real time registered Democrat after Democrat sign their names in the book then go to the booths to fill their ballots.

GOP turnout was about normal for a municipal election.

Republicans eked out in-person wins in most of the county races but by minuscule margins and actually lost district attorney race here.

Yes, the excellent Beth Stefanide-Miscichowski fell three short against the intolerable and incompetent “Missy” Stollsteimer.

And this was just the in-person voting in which 266 were cast.

There were 37 mail-in ballots –including mine — and they skew heavily D.

This makes it worse.

The precinct has about 630 registered voters.

So why the bloodbath?

The issues for the Democrats were Trump and abortion. They shouldn’t be particularly winning issues considering that the guy in the White House now is the walking disaster named Joe Biden, and that very few of us want to see human beings with beating pulses killed at will and by right.

The messaging, however, painting Trump as an extremist was not refuted nor was an explanation offered as to why so many think abortion is a bad thing that should be rare, as opposed to something easy to get and celebrated.

Yes, those pushing “pro choice” think abortion is something to celebrate.

It wasn’t a lack of will by the local party leaders that caused yesterday’s loss. They wanted to win in Chesco and Delco, and at the state level, and the candidates in Chesco and Delco were excellent.

The Republicans, however, are fighting a war with obsolete weapons and their strategies have long lost their effectiveness.

Gary Heasley of ChescoUnited often points out that the Democrat Party has software and systems for targeting voters that far surpass what the GOP has.

That’s not to say secure elections are not a big concern, but the Democrats won this one legitimately.

Democrat turnout was overwhelming and even many registered Rs are buying into a destructive narrative based on lies.

The first step those who love this country must take is refuting the lies.

The first step in refuting the lies is to insist that evil is real but so is God and that God hates evil

Republican Bloodbath Was Not Vote Fraud

10 thoughts on “Republican Bloodbath Was Not Vote Fraud”

  1. Morning Bill-

    Was at the Wharf last night. Mail in ballot return rate appears to be in the +90% rate. We have questions about that. Also, dem advantage in MIB votes was somewhere between 4 to 1 and 5 to 1.

    If it’s legit, fine. But if not, it’s costing us elections.

    On the “life” issue, I disagree slightly…

    Our goal must remain NO abortions. I always compare it to the slavery issue. If we said slavery must be available but rare, the Left would riot, and they’d be right. We need the same attitude about abortion. It’s murder. Of the most innocent and helpless of our citizens. Until it stops completely, how can The Lord Bless us?

    I heard a term recently that Sr. Lucia of Fatima coined in the 1970’s, “diabolical disorientation”.
    She said we were heading into a time where this term would aptly describe the world.

    I’d say we’re there (and have been for quite some time).

    1. The law can only go so far, Paul, and when you take it farther than it can go it breaks making things worse.

      What’s important is to develop a social conscious so people reject evil even if there is no law.

      Doesn’t mean that laws aren’t useful or necessary it just means they aren’t what is most important.

      Right now those who run things here literally celebrate evil –whether it is abortion, child sex, or sterilization of children.

  2. I’m still not ready to take a position about all the ‘why’s’ the R’s did so terrible yesterday. I can say that R voter apathy played a big part. For whatever reason, the R couch potatoes haven’t even made the effort to use MIBs. Don’t’ get me wrong, I hate MIBs, but they’re here and they’re being used effectively by the Left, so we have to step up to even have a chance to be counted. Yes, the national and state (and most county) GOPs failed miserably and did next to nothing to turn out the vote. No one knocked on my door and I barely got any R mail and most of that came from candidates. On the other hand, my college-aged D registered daughter received an onslaught of mailings starting in earnest about 6 months ago from all sorts of D related organizations and candidates. We need to learn from the D marketing and vote harvesting strategies and counter them if we are to have any chance next year. Failing that, I doubt we’ll get another.

  3. I don’t think early voting and other non-traditional election processes mattered, either. Mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, dropboxes do provide increased opportunity to flood the system, as in 2020. But I don’t think we had that happening this time around. The only real impact early voting has is if someone who traditionally votes on Election Day heard early returns and decided not to vote. Shame on that person!
    No, it was the issues, and abortion certainly was one. The Democrats beat the drum, for races where it wasn’t even an issue. Here in Northampton County, for example, in our common pleas court race, Democrat Bob Panella painted his Republican challenger Nancy Aaroe as an anti-abortion fanatic in attack ads. But it’s a non-issue: common pleas court doesn’t handle abortion issues. Didn’t matter. All that mattered was painting her with that brush. Looks like that was played out in Philly, too, judging from the ads I saw on TV and heard on the radio.
    Early voting wasn’t a factor. The Republicans were outplayed. They could not beat the Democrats.

  4. I am convinced the Republicans can’t win because they don’t want to win. This all starts at the local committee level.

    In Aston township they have a small club that no one is invited to. Many elected official have double duty. Several commissioners are also committee people. Same thing with the school board.

    I have been told “vetting candidates is not our job” among other equally offensive statements from these clowns.

    They were so myopically focused on a single contested school board seat (one of nine) that they did nothing to help our county level candidates. They only help their own and those they believe they can control.

    One of these double duty types even had the nerve to me “if so and so doesn’t get elected we will have a socialist on the school board.” Do they not realize what the all D county council and their ilk is and is doing, literally socialism.

    Not to mention no one is donating to the GOP like before. The township GOP took in hundreds yet spent thousands. Would love to know where that funding came from.

    And don’t forget how obsessed the local and county GOP were last year and how much good money after bad was thrown at Dave White because he was “going to bring home the bacon for Delco” then refused to do anything of substance to help Mastriano. Dave White was never going to win a state wide election.

    March 2024 we take back our party starting with the local committee seats or we are doomed to Democrat Socialist one party rule for decades.

  5. This commentary seems to be anecdotal in the extreme: only one precinct of 630 or so voters. As a greeter in a precinct in western Delco, I saw such a dramatic R influx that even the Dem greeter exclaimed, at around 7 pm, “I think you guys are going to win here, so many Republicans have come through!” (She was so lonely that she left her post, “…to get my steps in,” in a nearby hallway.)
    Further, I’m puzzled as to how a poll worker captures info about voter hot-buttons, because that’s not something that typically gets discussed during sign-in or voting. The stray comments I heard as a “greeter” (One hears LOTS about voter preferences 75 feet away from the polling place….) included, “lunatic book-banners,” and slurs about Sidney Powell, of all people. Weird.

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