Hungarian PM Praises Trump On Tucker — Tucker Carlson’s 20th episode on X is a 30-minute interview with popular Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán released Aug. 29.
Topics include the Ukrainian war, the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipleline — almost certainly by the Biden Administration –and the loss of freedom in the West due to its institutions falling under the control of rather bigoted ideologues who consider themselves intellectuals enlightened to such a degree they can kill, lie and rob with impunity as it is all for the “greater good”.
Orban pointedly praises Donald Trump whom he describes as having the best US foreign policy in decades. He says the Ukrainian War would never have happened it he stayed as president. He says America can end the killing there in an instant.
The vid in English has 63.4 million views as of 10:18 a.m., Aug. 30 with another 1.1 million in one with Hungarian subtitles.
Here it is:
Hungarian PM Praises Trump On Tucker
Really interesting interview … funny how a formerly repressed Communist country appears more Democratic than our supposed Democratic countries …. hrrrrm!