Covid Sows Seeds For Totalitarian Harvest

Covid Sows Seeds For Totalitarian Harvest — Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, has published on his Substack an article by Dr. Mattias Desmet, who coined the term mass formation psychosis, which is a “specific kind of group formation that makes people radically blind to everything that goes against what the group believes in. In this way, they take the most absurd beliefs for granted.”

He cites an incident in the 1979 Iranian Revolution when people started to believe that the portrait of Ayatollah Khomeini could be seen on the surface of the moon. Crowds would fill the streets during full moons to look for it — and claim to be able to see it.

More significantly, those griped by this psychosis become radically intolerant of dissent, and radically willing to sacrifice for the collective. He cites an Iranian mother who turned her son over to the authorities to be hanged. She then actually put the rope around his neck.

Covid Sows Seeds For Totalitarian Harvest
Mattias Desmet

Desmet is a well-published Belgian psychiatrist and statistician who is a professor at Ghent University.

Desmet is also the author of the recently published The Psychology of Totalitarianism, which is also the title of the Substack article.

Obviously, mass formation psychosis is a stepping stone to totalitarianism.

“Totalitarianism is not a historical coincidence,” Desmet said. “It is the logical consequence of mechanistic thinking and the delusional belief in the omnipotence of human rationality. As such, totalitarianism is a defining feature of the Enlightenment tradition.”

He says his book focuses on the broader cultural–historical processes from which totalitarianism emerges.

He said the Covid response matches the process. Expert virologists were called upon to save us. They replaced unreliable politicians who had been answerable to the people. When the mechanistic experts failed, they changed definitions like Orwell’s pigs and consolidated power.

Desmet also said that the “explosive proliferation of mass surveillance technology led to new and previously unimaginable means for the manipulation of the masses.”

He said his book ultimately is about finding a way out of the current cultural impasse. 

“The real task facing us as individuals and as a society is to envision a new view of humankind and the world, to find a new foundation for our identity, to formulate new principles for living together with others, and to reclaim a timely human capacity—Truth Speech,” he says.

Read the whole article here.

Covid Sows Seeds For Totalitarian Harvest


Elites Are Morons Masses Now Think

Elites Are Morons Masses Now Think — The crowd that considers itself the elite i.e. the wealthy, the political leaders, the academics, the cultural gatekeepers, has lost the respect of the ones who actually make stuff, according to Victor David Hanson.

The productive class now considers the pondering class who makes the rules to be incompetent screw-ups, Hanson says.

The article is The Worst and the Stupidest? and can be found here.

Elites Are Morons Masses Now Think
Elites Are Morons Masses Now Think
incompetent screw-ups

20 Million Behind On Electric Bills But Biden Forgives Student Loans

20 Million Behind On Electric Bills But Biden Forgives Student Loans — Joe Biden, yesterday, Aug.24, said he would forgive $300 billion in student loans through an executive order. The specifics are that $20,000 in Pell Grant debt — $10K for other educational debt — disappears for those making less than $125,000 per year.

There is a nugget of good here. College was a scam for many. High school kids — and their parents –were told by the authorities it was a guarantee to financial security regardless of their major.

And the authorities were lying, knowingly and baldly.

These lies caused cruel burdens, great harm and even ruined lives.

But how to make it right? Who’s going to pay for it?

Wall Street? Big College? LOL. The bureaucrat snake-oil salesmen with six-figure public jobs? LOLOLOL.

The burden is going to be squarely placed via taxes on those who paid off their debt as they were supposed, or never took on any like plumbers and mechanics and moms, even single moms.

OK, you need an explanation as to why the pain is going to come to the innocent and it’s not going to be all peaches and rainbows created when a happy wizard waves his wand and makes the bad disappear.

The debt — more than a trillion dollars — was assumed by the United States government when the loans were issued, as per the U.K.’s The Guardian.

The debt was expected to be paid off by the — wait for it — the debtors.

Ha ha. That’s not going to happen now.

Still the debt must be paid off.

Penn’s Wharton School models the cost to taxpayers at between $300 billion and $900 billion.

A fairer solution would be to treat student loans like credit card or medical debt concerning bankruptcy. While not impossible to discharge college debt through bankruptcy it is much harder than foolish credit card spending.

Why not use the same standard?

Because greedy, sick, stupid and calloused people are running government.

Meanwhile 20 million Americans are behind on their electric bills and facing shutoffs with winter coming.

Blame that on the lockdowns and green energy freaks who artificially inflate the cost of energy.

When are the majority going to stop trusting these people? The vax did not work, the masks did not help, men are not women, and Tuvalu is getting bigger.

20 Million Behind On Electric Bills But Biden Forgives Student Loans
20 Million Behind On Electric Bills But Biden Forgives Student Loans

College Mandates Should Mean Outrage

College Mandates Should Mean OutrageHaverford and Swarthmore colleges along with Villanova University mandates all students be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 to attend classes.

Widener University mandates the vax but cites on its website an allowance for medical exemptions, while Neumann College’s Covid page allows for medical and religious exemptions.

The only Delaware County college being smart is the community college.

“Beginning with the Summer I session and going forward, vaccination will no longer be required for students, faculty and staff,” DCCC’s website says.

Why aren’t parents outraged at the schools that mandate?

Your child must put a drug in his body that remains untested-to-standards; the long-term effects unknown; the concerns about the short term effects legitimate; and the ineffectiveness without dispute, else he can’t attend college, which is now a necessity for a professional career.

You tell us the emotion that should be felt.

College Mandates Should Mean Outrage
College Mandates Should Mean Outrage

Harvard Girl Shames Those Cowed By Wokesters

Harvard Girl Shames Those Cowed By Wokesters — Joanne Yurchak sent us the below Tik Tok video of a young Harvard undergrad describing a trip to Israel in which her fellow students showed shame for being Americans.

She explains why. Here are some excerpts from her video.

We have a cultural diet that reduces America to its ugliest moments and dismisses its noble ideals and accomplishments as jingosim

This nation has grown to treat racial, ethnic and religious minorities with equality and respect compared to other places and times on earth. This is the nation where people are not constrained by their gender, religion or class.

In this nation we can criticize our government secure in the knowledge that we will rise the next morning and our country will still respect our rights.

“We view these things to be our birthright, our permanent and guaranteed condition but they are not. They exist only because past generations have sacrificed to secure and maintain them and to our discredit we have used these blessings not to strengthen our country but to tear it down. We members of this university and we Americans have shirked our responsibility as the most privileged cohort on earth. We have remained cringingly silent in the face of corrosive ideas, woke culture that has corrupted our institutions and severed the bonds that hold our country together. The New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting that the sole purpose of the American Revolution was to preserve slavery and we remain silent. The Oregon Department of Education asserts that showing your work and finding the right answer in math is white supremacist, and we remain silent. The American Medical Association has stated that the U.S. should remove gender from birth certificates, and we remain silent. Howard Zinn, the author of the most widely read history text in American public schools said that America has done more bad than good and we remain silent.

We are ashamed to be American. The shame should be on us. Too many use their right to free speech to advocate suspending it for all who disagree with them. What a litany of dishonesty. We are using our privilege to undermine the very system that has given us that privilege. America, despite its failings, is the last great stand on Earth.

This undergrad gives us hope. Once the disease is recognized it can be cured and it looks like Gen Z recognizes it.

Hope for the future

Harvard Girl Shames Those Cowed By Wokesters
Harvard Girl Shames Those Cowed By Wokesters

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Here is an open letter to the West Chester Area School Board:

To: Dr. Bob Sokolowski, Mr. Chris McCune, and members of the WCASB:

As a retired college teacher, mother of two and grandmother of four, all of whom have all attended public schools, I have supported public education all of my life.  I have opposed school choice until just recently since I feared that the poorest students with uninformed parents could end up in the worst schools.  Over the years I’ve praised the WCASD profusely to neighbors in my local community and also to those in other districts.  I have never, even as a senior citizen, complained about school tax increases as long as academics are a top priority in the school district.  However, the cultish, CRT-related DEI ideologies that are infecting our public schools (including the WCASD) with their concomitant racist, political, sexual and emotional indoctrinations and propagandizing of our school students have caused a 180 degree turnaround in all of my aforementioned viewpoints.  From certain observations, it seems apparent, and is unacceptable to me, that the WCASD is heavily involved in social engineering pursuits to the detriment of academics.  However, that is a story for another time. 

The duplicitous and evasive manner in which the West Chester school board and administration mishandled the latest fiasco involving the book Gender Queer at the October 25 school board meeting has further diminished my once positive opinion of the WCASD.   


  • Chris Manos, a district resident, showed pictures from the book Gender Queer to the board and asked board members to raise their hands if they thought the images were pornographic. The school attorney immediately told the board members not to respond and they did not.  
    Note: I totally understand and agree that board members should not have responded at that time since the rules specify that school board directors are not to answer questions posed of them in the Comments portion of the meeting.  I also believe that this is a sensible rule.
  • During Mr. Manos’ speech, there was quite a commotion from the audience and the meeting went into a 15-minute recess.
  • After the recess, Chris McCune, the board president, stated emphatically…“That book is not in our district, that book is not in a district in our county, that book is not in a district in our state. So therefore it’s not really material to our board meetings.”  This statement can be seen in the video of the 10/25 meeting at ~1:15.21 minutes.
    Note: This premature statement turned out to be totally false and should never have been made.  It would have been more prudent for Mr. McCune to have told the audience that the school board would check into this situation and would reply to Mr. Manos when they acquired more information, but he did not.  In fact, not only was Gender Queer a suggested book that was linked to the WCASD web site but it was later found to be in two of WCASD’s high school libraries – East and Rustin.
  • The board and WCASD administration then went into damage control. On October 26, Mr. McCune responded to an unidentified person in an email saying: “I have confirmed that the book in question was part of the 2020 recommended reading list for grades 10th through 12th grade on our Equity page.  The board will be reviewing this list with the administration.”  

    The district removed the link the morning after the board meeting so that it can no longer be accessed.  However, months before, a watchdog group had made screen shots and recorded URL’s of what had been there previously and included these in the attached document that they compiled, entitled “Compilation and Examination of Portions of the Equity Resources Specified on West Chester Area School District’s Web Site.” The screen shots and live links leading to the Gender Queer book can be found on pp.17-24.  

    A description of the removal (“scrubbing”) process and before-and-after screen shots are documented in the attachment entitled: “Scrubbing of Link on WCASD Web Site to Gender Queer Book Description.”
  • Dr. Sokolowski sent the following mass email to district parents the morning of Friday, October 29:

Subject: Library Book Information 
From: ”” <
Date: Fri, October 29, 2021 11:31 am 
Dear WCASD Parents/Guardians,
It is our goal to provide high-quality, age-appropriate reading materials in our schools. At our most recent School Board meeting, a resident brought a book to our attention that he felt was too sexually graphic. This book, Gender Queer, an American Library Association award-winning text, was in circulation at the East and Rustin school libraries.  Upon my review, I immediately pulled both copies to place the book through our administrative review process.
As outlined in School Board Policy 906, any person(s) may bring a book they have concerns about to our attention. Our process is to first review the book with our administrative team. If there are remaining questions or concerns, we then form a committee to review the text and determine whether it is appropriate for our school libraries. This is a process that has been in place for a number of years.
The book in question was brought to us during a School Board meeting, however, our School Board is not involved in the selection of library books or the development of reading lists. The process of how books are selected for placement in our libraries is one that we haven’t examined in many years. We are always looking for opportunities to grow, and we will be evaluating this process with the support of our school librarians. Again, our goal is to provide reading material that is engaging, relevant, and also appropriate.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s principal or me. I wish everyone a great weekend.
Sincerely, Dr. Bob Sokolowski, Superintendent


  • Mr. Manos was publicly humiliated by the board when they virtually dismissed his concerns about the Gender Queer book as irrelevant by incorrectly noting that this book had no association with the WCASD. At the very least the board and administration owe Mr. Manos a public apology.
  • Mr. McCune deserves credit for admitting the very next day that there had been a link to Gender Queer on the WCASD web site; however, I doubt that he had a choice since there were many who had proof of what had been there prior to October 26. It’s anyone’s guess as to whether the “review and update” of the WCASD page less than a day after the school board meeting was because the district genuinely didn’t want a link suggesting a pornographic book on their web site or whether it was an effort to cover up (“scrub”) this link to a suggested book that included graphic sexual images.
  • Dr. Sokolowski’s situation is delicate since he has to both accommodate and avoid offending numerous groups – the school board, teachers, parents and taxpayers. However, describing Gender Queer in his email to the parents as “an American Library Association award-winning text,” seems deliberately deceptive in that he whitewashed a book containing pages that innumerable individuals, including myself, consider to be irrefutably pornographic.  He never mentioned or took responsibility for the incorrect information that had been presented to the numerous attendees at the school board meeting nor did he apologize to Mr. Manos for the board’s dismissiveness regarding his legitimate concern.  The email seemed to be crafted so as to mislead parents who knew nothing about the situation into thinking that this was just a complaint from one resident who thinks that the book is too sexually graphic.  I assure you that there are countless parents and taxpayers who share Mr. Manos’ viewpoints!  I wish that Dr. Sokolowski had spent the three days before sending out the email to read the book, consult with others, and make a decision as to whether this book is indeed is too sexually graphic to be in our school libraries.  However, no such opinion was relayed to parents in the email.  Instead, almost the entire email discussed the procedures for reviewing books.
  • Certainly, Dr. Sokolowski and the school board cannot vet every single book that is in our school libraries. However, it would seem that the East and Rustin high school librarians should bear some responsibility for allowing such sexually explicit material to be put on their shelves.
  • There is absolutely no question that some pages in Gender Queer contain graphic and pornographic sexual images. Some of the text and also some images can be seen in the video of an outraged mother who excoriated the Fairfax, VA school board regarding this book that was in their school library. 
    Note: I find many of the comments to the video at least as despicable as the book but it is the only video I could find to describe portions of the book.
    There are also links to two of the sexually explicit images that Mr. Manos showed the WCASD school board in the article noted at the end of this email.
  • I want to make it very clear that my strong objection to this book is not that it contains LGBTQ pornographic sexual images; I would object just as strongly if it contained heterosexual pornographic sexual images.

The manner in which this entire episode was handled by the school board and the administration was disappointing and an unfortunate stain on the reputation of the WCASD.  This book containing sexually graphic images is just one of numerous examples in which the implementation of the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion ideologies facilitate sexual indoctrinations of our students.  Had Mr. Manos not spoken up, Gender Queer would undoubtedly still be on the high school library shelves with possibly more of the same added in the future.  

In closing, I strongly urge you to read the attachment entitled “Compilation and Examination of Portions of the Equity Resources Specified on West Chester Area School District’s Web Site.” This was assembled in August of 2021 by a watchdog group in the WCASD.  It clearly demonstrates how engrained the CRT-related DEI ideologies are in the WCASD.  The examples provided therein are only a tip of the iceberg of what is actually on the WCASD web site. 
Thank you for listening. 

Joanne Yurchak 

West Chester, PA

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Wokeness Makes Teacher Question Support For Public Schools

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting — Swarthmore’s Bob Small has informed us that Portland State’s truth-telling philosophy professor Peter Boghossian has had enough of the school’s Orwellian wokeness and called it quits.

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting
Peter Boghossian

Portland State’s loss.

Boghossian earned the ire of the arbitrary rule setters when he began inviting speakers with views contrarian to what the school held as dogma. Their ire increased as their hypocrisy became more revealed.

Don’t think of this as a defeat for the cause of good. Think of this as Atlas Shrugging. You are going to see a lot of shrugging as Biden tries to impose his anti-science health fiats.

Boghossian included this beautiful letter with his exit.

Dear Provost Susan Jeffords,

​​I’m writing to you today to resign as assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University.

Over the last decade, it has been my privilege to teach at the university. My specialties are critical thinking, ethics and the Socratic method, and I teach classes like Science and Pseudoscience and The Philosophy of Education. But in addition to exploring classic philosophers and traditional texts, I’ve invited a wide range of guest lecturers to address my classes, from Flat-Earthers to Christian apologists to global climate skeptics to Occupy Wall Street advocates. I’m proud of my work.

I invited those speakers not because I agreed with their worldviews, but primarily because I didn’t. From those messy and difficult conversations, I’ve seen the best of what our students can achieve: questioning beliefs while respecting believers; staying even-tempered in challenging circumstances; and even changing their minds. 

I never once believed —  nor do I now —  that the purpose of instruction was to lead my students to a particular conclusion. Rather, I sought to create the conditions for rigorous thought; to help them gain the tools to hunt and furrow for their own conclusions. This is why I became a teacher and why I love teaching.

But brick by brick, the university has made this kind of intellectual exploration impossible. It has transformed a bastion of free inquiry into a Social Justice factory whose only inputs were race, gender, and victimhood and whose only outputs were grievance and division.

Students at Portland State are not being taught to think. Rather, they are being trained to mimic the moral certainty of ideologues. Faculty and administrators have abdicated the university’s truth-seeking mission and instead drive intolerance of divergent beliefs and opinions. This has created a culture of offense where students are now afraid to speak openly and honestly. 

I noticed signs of the illiberalism that has now fully swallowed the academy quite early during my time at Portland State. I witnessed students refusing to engage with different points of view.  Questions from faculty at diversity trainings that challenged approved narratives were instantly dismissed. Those who asked for evidence to justify new institutional policies were accused of microaggressions. And professors were accused of bigotry for assigning canonical texts written by philosophers who happened to have been European and male.  

At first, I didn’t realize how systemic this was and I believed I could question this new culture. So I began asking questions. What is the evidence that trigger warnings and safe spaces contribute to student learning? Why should racial consciousness be the lens through which we view our role as educators? How did we decide that “cultural appropriation” is immoral?

Unlike my colleagues, I asked these questions out loud and in public. 

I decided to study the new values that were engulfing Portland State and so many other educational institutions — values that sound wonderful, like diversity, equity, and inclusion, but might actually be just the opposite. The more I read the primary source material produced by critical theorists, the more I suspected that their conclusions reflected the postulates of an ideology, not insights based on evidence.

I began networking with student groups who had similar concerns and brought in speakers to explore these subjects from a critical perspective. And it became increasingly clear to me that the incidents of illiberalism I had witnessed over the years were not just isolated events, but part of an institution-wide problem.

The more I spoke out about these issues, the more retaliation I faced. 

Early in the 2016-17 academic year, a former student complained about me and the university initiated a Title IX investigation.  (Title IX investigations are a part of federal law designed to protect “people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance.”) My accuser, a white male, made a slew of baseless accusations against me, which university confidentiality rules unfortunately prohibit me from discussing further. What I can share is that students of mine who were interviewed during the process told me the Title IX investigator asked them if they knew anything about me beating my wife and children. This horrifying accusation soon became a widespread rumor. 

With Title IX investigations there is no due process, so I didn’t have access to the particular accusations, the ability to confront my accuser, and I had no opportunity to defend myself. Finally, the results of the investigation were revealed in December 2017. Here are the last two sentences of the report: “Global Diversity & Inclusion finds there is insufficient evidence that Boghossian violated PSU’s Prohibited Discrimination & Harassment policy. GDI recommends Boghossian receive coaching.”

Not only was there no apology for the false accusations, but the investigator also told me that in the future I was not allowed to render my opinion about “protected classes” or teach in such a way that my opinion about protected classes could be known — a bizarre conclusion to absurd charges. Universities can enforce ideological conformity just through the threat of these investigations.

I eventually became convinced that corrupted bodies of scholarship were responsible for justifying radical departures from the traditional role of liberal arts schools and basic civility on campus. There was an urgent need to demonstrate that morally fashionable papers — no matter how absurd — could be published. I believed then that if I exposed the theoretical flaws of this body of literature, I could help the university community avoid building edifices on such shaky ground.

So, in 2017, I co-published an intentionally garbled peer-reviewed paper that took aim at the new orthodoxy. Its title: “The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct.” This example of pseudo-scholarship, which was published in Cogent Social Sciences, argued that penises were products of the human mind and responsible for climate change. Immediately thereafter, I revealed the article as a hoax designed to shed light on the flaws of the peer-review and academic publishing systems.

Shortly thereafter, swastikas in the bathroom with my name under them began appearing in two bathrooms near the philosophy department. They also occasionally showed up on my office door, in one instance accompanied by bags of feces. Our university remained silent. When it acted, it was against me, not the perpetrators.

I continued to believe, perhaps naively, that if I exposed the flawed thinking on which Portland State’s new values were based, I could shake the university from its madness. In 2018 I co-published a series of absurd or morally repugnant peer-reviewed articles in journals that focused on issues of race and gender. In one of them we argued that there was an epidemic of dog rape at dog parks and proposed that we leash men the way we leash dogs. Our purpose was to show that certain kinds of “scholarship” are based not on finding truth but on advancing social grievances. This worldview is not scientific, and it is not rigorous. 

Administrators and faculty were so angered by the papers that they published an anonymous piece in the student paper and Portland State filed formal charges against me. Their accusation? “Research misconduct” based on the absurd premise that the journal editors who accepted our intentionally deranged articles were “human subjects.” I was found guilty of not receiving approval to experiment on human subjects. 

Meanwhile, ideological intolerance continued to grow at Portland State. In March 2018, a tenured professor disrupted a public discussion I was holding with author Christina Hoff Sommers and evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying. In June 2018, someone triggered the fire alarm during my conversation with popular cultural critic Carl Benjamin. In October 2018, an activist pulled out the speaker wires to interrupt a panel with former Google engineer James Damore. The university did nothing to stop or address this behavior. No one was punished or disciplined. 

For me, the years that followed were marked by continued harassment. I’d find flyers around campus of me with a Pinocchio nose. I was spit on and threatened by passersby while walking to class. I was informed by students that my colleagues were telling them to avoid my classes. And, of course, I was subjected to more investigation.

I wish I could say that what I am describing hasn’t taken a personal toll. But it has taken exactly the toll it was intended to: an increasingly intolerable working life and without the protection of tenure.

This isn’t about me. This is about the kind of institutions we want and the values we choose. Every idea that has advanced human freedom has always, and without fail, been initially condemned. As individuals, we often seem incapable of remembering this lesson, but that is exactly what our institutions are for: to remind us that the freedom to question is our fundamental right. Educational institutions should remind us that that right is also our duty.  

Portland State University has failed in fulfilling this duty. In doing so it has failed not only its students but the public that supports it. While I am grateful for the opportunity to have taught at Portland State for over a decade, it has become clear to me that this institution is no place for people who intend to think freely and explore ideas. 

This is not the outcome I wanted. But I feel morally obligated to make this choice. For ten years, I have taught my students the importance of living by your principles. One of mine is to defend our system of liberal education from those who seek to destroy it. Who would I be if I didn’t?


Peter Boghossian

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting
Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting

Peter Boghossian Shrugs And The Trembles Are Starting

Science Says Liberal Women Are Nuts

Science Says Liberal Women Are Nuts –A 2020 Pew Research study has revealed that over half of white, liberal women have been diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point. 

Now, some might say that this study is a ploy to maintain the patriarchy based on perpetuating ancient and demeaning stereotypes.

We respond with but one word.


That’s right. Science has spoken. This must be accepted.

Granted, a white, liberal woman might not accept this unfortunate truth.

But then, she’s very likely crazy.

Fortunately, there is a cure. Stop being liberal. Turn off The View. Stop watching MSNBC. Cancel The Handmaid’s Tale. Delete your Facebook account.

You’ll return to sanity and be much, much happier.

Science Says Liberal Women Are Nuts

Former Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynee submissively listening to a misogynistic rant at a mosque in Canada to show solidarity with supporters of Sharia. Crazy, right?

Science Says Liberal Women Are Nuts

Oregon Libraries Keeping Seuss

Oregon Libraries Keeping Seuss — Bob Small of Swarthmore sent us this link about how libraries in Oregon are dealing with the bizarre decision by Dr. Seuss Enterprises to stop publication of six classic titles due to anti-intellecutal and arrogant wokeness.

The libraries — believe it or not — plan to keep them on the shelves until it is time to remove them due to well-established criteria i.e. the books become worn or are no longer checked out.

So kudos to the libraries for not caving into virtue signaling hypocrites.

Oregon Libraries Keeping Seuss
Oregon Libraries Keeping Seuss

St Joe Cowards Persecute Greg Manco

St Joe Cowards Persecute Greg Manco — Bob Small of Swarthmore sent us this link to a Philadelphia Weekly article about the plight of St. Joseph University math teacher Greg Manco.

Manco, who had taught at the school for 17 years, published this tweet on Feb. 17 questioning the wisdom of racial reparations.

St Joe Cowards Persecute Greg Manco

Manco was placed on paid leave and is under investigation for expressing this opinion.

The tweet had been circulated among the school’s activist community with instructions to contact the school administrators to demand Manco’s firing.

The problem isn’t the activist community. Spoiled activists will spoil. It’s their nature. They can’t help it. The problem is the school administration for not dismissing the complaints out of hand. Cowards will coward you might say but we should never tolerate cowards in school administration or any type of leadership role.

The St. Joseph administrators are clearly cowards. They must be replaced.

With regard to racial reparations, it is a disgusting racist concept that must not be merely questioned but dismissed out of hand.

Congrats to PW for good journalism and to Bob for letting us know about it.

St Joe Cowards Persecute Greg Manco