Migration Invasion Is Treason, Says Ann Vandersteel — Journalist and mother of six Ann Vandersteel says bad times are coming.
She spoke at yesterday’s, April 25, Keystone Town Hall in Malvern, Pa.
Ms. Vandersteel, along with Michael Yon , has been revealing how Panama is a stage for the human flood entering the United States in complete disdain of our laws.
Most of the invaders are miltary-age men and many are Chinese, she said.
Many have been identified as former Chinese military by facial recognition programs, she says.
The invasion starts at Panama’s inhospitable and dangerous Darien Gap where non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) controlled by globalists have built camps.
These include HIAS, which has a notable presence in Delaware County.
HIAS started as Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
“It’s as Hebrew as Catholic Charities is Catholic,” Ms. Vandersteel said.
Catholic Charities has been implicated in child trafficking.
So has the US government for that matter.
Alejandro Mayorkas worked for HIAS before becoming Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary.
Ms. Vandersteel calls Mayorkas treasonous. He willfully ignores numerous US laws, she said. Mayorkas’ impeachment by the “Republican”-controlled House was ignored by the Democrat-controlled Senate.
The NGO camps destroy the environment and the way of life of the indigenous Embera tribe. The Emberas, for centuries, have shared nature with the Darien, Ms. Vandersteel said.
Her reporting preceded a fire at one camp, she says. The only thing destroyed, though, were the records for every immigrant there.
Fort Clayton on the Panama Canal, once the headquarters for the US Southern Command Network, has been completely taken over by the NGOs she says.
The immigration is controlled by the Mexican drug cartels, Ms. Vandersteel said. The migrants who are women, children and families are often subject to rape, theft and murder.
The billions of dollars controlled by the globalist and drug lords have corrupted places one wouldn’t have expected.
She says the Border Patrol turns a blind eye to the illegal crossings.
Republican Greg Abbott, Texas’ Republican governor, has been bought off, she says. His widely publicized border enforcement was just theater. She says that half of the Texas House has taken money from developers of facilities to house illegals in the state.
She said Abbott has lost all popularity in Texas but praised his adversary Attorney General Ken Paxton, also a Republican.
Ms. Vandersteel, as has Michael Yon, said turmoil is unavoidable. She said the trouble will start with a banking collapse.
Keep cash on hand and your larder stocked.
The motive for America’s destruction is that she stands in the way of “The Great Reset” a tyrannical fascist fantasy famously proclaimed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.
Schwab grew up in Nazi Germany and his father worked for the Nazis.
Ms. Vandersteel was asked about the movie Civil War now playing in theaters which describes a war in the United States.
“Hollywood is laughing at us,” she said. “They want us to destroy ourselves.”
Don’t fall for false flags
In better news, the Valley Forge Classical Academy Charter School for the West Chester School District is expected to open in Exton in 2025.
Charles F. Beatty says they easily surpassed by 500 the 1,000 signatures required to appeal the school board’s rejection and they expect to prevail as all the criteria has been met.
The school will hold 900 students and use the Hillsdale Curriculum.

Migration Invasion Is Treason, Says Ann Vandersteel
Bill, one of your all-time best pieces. so much truth packed into so little space. Thank you!
Give credit to Ann and Gary Heasley who had the event.
Gary, btw, says he’s willing to have them in Bucks & Montco.
I can help make that happen. Any chance we can get Ann on Don’t Back Down?
Thank you Bill Lawrence always for your great reporting!
Thank you Ann for coming up to Pennsyltucky and educating citizens on the illegal invasion in Pennsylvania all they way from the Darian Gap and your experiences, and your selfless service putting your safety at risk to get the reporting to the public.
Thank you for what your all doing your sacrifices, and please stay safe!
Gary G2, and ALL,
Come out to the Trappe Tavern, 416 W. Main Street Collegeville, May 30, 2024 from 6-9pm. Whistleblowers, Authors and Patriots, Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom will be in attendance for a fund raiser speaking event about election fraud and other topics that affect our communities, families and country. We have invited some of the Montco Gop folks that need a wake up call, and we will see how many of them are brave enough to swallow their pride to attend.
God Bless!
Sean Connolly
This is good. Name the names. Connect the dots. Awareness is the first step.
Though I am hearing the Deep State is already preparing to challenge and tie up deportations in the courts for years when President Donald J Trump returns to the White House.
May God have mercy on us and the whole world.
I heard Trump plans to deport the Deep State first, so have at it!