Penn Delco Mocks Reason With Definition Of Biological Sex

Penn Delco Mocks Reason With Definition Of Biological Sex — More than 75 concerned parents packed yesterday’s (Oct.25) Penn Delco’s school board meeting protesting the proposed resolution to give boys access to girls’ private places.

These include bathrooms and locker rooms with their showers and changing stations.

The policy — which includes the middle and elementary schools as well — unabashedly laughs at reason.

“‘Biological sex’ means the sex assigned by a doctor at birth” it says. “For intersex individuals or others with genetic anomalies, ‘biological sex’ refers to gender identity”

This arbitrary twisting of meaning would awe Humpty Dumpty.

The night was to be the first reading of the policy but it was neither read nor were copies available.

It was a first reading without a reading.

Humpty Dumpty would be beside himself.

Again, they are laughing at you.

The board said they’d have it online by the next morning. This would be after everyone has left, of course.

Its online here.

Parents do not have to be told that their child is having emotional troubles over his or her gender, under the policy, and the child gets to pick his or her pronouns. These might not necessarily be his or her, by the way.

The board denied that boys have already been allowed into girls spaces. Female students in attendance shouted that wasn’t true.

A mechanism long in place for students with emotional issues is the individual education plan (IEP). These would not be necessary for children confused about their sex under the new policy.

The board did not address whether the Sun Valley students protesting the policy would suffer consequences for yesterday’s walk out/lock out.

Parents, either get new school boards or get your children out of government-run schools into schools that you control.

The next Penn Delco Board meeting is the Nov. 15 study session followed by Nov. 20 business meeting.

The election by the way is Nov. 7.

We just heard that some of those young people in the previous picture are receiving serious threats from the caring and gentle supporters of the pr0posed Penn Delco bizarre biology policy so we are changing it to the one of the cop. Get your kids out of government run schools to schools you can control

Penn Delco Mocks Reason With Definition Of Biological Sex

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation — About 50 students left Sun Valley High School at 10 o’clock this morning, Oct. 25, to protest the Penn Delco School District’s gender fluid bathroom/locker room policy.

Penn Delco is in Delaware County, Pa.

The students were met by a similar number of parents and supporters along with encouraging honks from passing drivers.

The students braved warnings, then threats from administration for having the walk out, which was reportedly originally scheduled for Oct. 2.

And there was peer pressure.

About 70 percent of the students support the school policy with about 30 percent opposing, said freshman James Pantuliano.

On his way out the door, another student grabbed his sign defending safe bathrooms and tore it up.

He didn’t back down, though.

“You never know what their motive is,” he said regarding boys who enter the traditional private places of girls.

There were reports that students had to pass through a “wall of teachers” to participate. They reportedly received threats that their grades would be affected and they would be banned from school sports.

Freshman tennis player Taylor MacNamee-Graham wasn’t worried.

“Tennis is over so I’ll be fine,” she said.

She said she didn’t care about getting in trouble anyway.

A senior who identified himself as Pablo said the protest was the right thing.

“I don’t want males going into female bathrooms or vice-versa,” he said.

He said the faculty tried to keep the protest from being discussed.

“They tried to stop us from talking about it but we have freedom of speech,” he said.

An order was broadcast for the students to return when they left the building but was ignored.

Aston Police were at the parking lot entrances.

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation
Community support for the students

Parents were reportedly never made aware of the change in bathroom policy, nor do they seem to be aware of sexually graphic books reportedly encouraging child-adult sex in the libraries.

Libraries — including those in high schools, middle schools and elementary schools — are the only place in Pennsylvania where children can legally be exposed to graphic depictions of sex.

The protestors were not allowed to return to class.

We doubt they lost any learning.

They certainly passed the lesson of the day which was how to stand up to tyranny.

The Penn Delco School Board is to meet 7:30 tonight at the District Service Center Building, 3000 Dutton Mill Road, Aston, PA. 19014.

Starting a charter school is very doable in Pennsylvania, by the way.

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room Despite Administration Intimidation
Do Aston Police think they have more important places to be?

Sun Valley Students Protest Boys In The Girls Room

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators — Pennsylvania public schools have lost 139,000 students since 2000 but gained 21,145 more employee, notes Commonwealth Foundation.

This employee growth includes nearly 40 percent more highly paid administrators than 20 years ago.

Schools have not gotten better.

The Foundation also points out that Pennsylvania school districts spent $21,263 per student in 2021–22, ranking 7th in the nation at nearly $5,500 more than the national average.

Chesco United reported, Aug. 24, that an audit of 12 school districts by state Auditor General Tim DeFoor found that all routinely pass big tax hikes despite having budget surpluses in the tens of millions of dollars.

Those running our schools don’t care about themselves not education.

School choice and charter schools are a solution. Chesco United notes that the cost per-pupil at a charter school is about half that of a district one and parents have far more say in the curriculum and hiring.

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators

Pennsylvania Schools Lose 139K Students But Add 21K Administrators

Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

By Bob Small

Recently Scott in Vermont alerted me to the “Confucius Classrooms” aka Confucius Institutes, sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This sounded like conspiracy theory.

This is not a conspiracy theory and is occuring nationally.

According to Newsweek, these “Confucius Classrooms are funded by the CCP’s Propaganda Department of the CCP” and that “nobody in Washington warned the school districts not to accept the freebie”

Yes, these programs were supported by the State Department.

Then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo designated the Confucius Institute as “a foreign mission” in 2020 leaving open the question of what it was before then.

The Daily Beast sees it as a “China Conspiracy Theory”.

This article, all 20 pages of it, is the most extensive on this phenomenon, listing all schools in Pennsylvania and 32 other states where this program is operating.

Germantown Academy in Ft. Washington, Pa boasts being the first Confucius Classroom in Pennsylvania.

Note that there are five other Pennsylvania school sistricts involved, including the School District of Philadelphia.

Here are my questions;

  1. Shouldn’t there be a reciprocal program with schools in China?
  2. Is there any oversight on what is taught by the Confucius Classrooms?
  3. Should we be allowing these classes to be taught by the CCP in the first place?
  4. What officials have been aware of this?

Let me also say that our schools need to have lessons taught by persons from other cultures, but one wonders if the CCP, which views Nepal and Taiwan differently than our official government policy, is exactly whom we need to be doing this.

Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

Confucius Classrooms Confusing US Kids

School Library Obscenity Specifically Allowed By Pennsylvania Law

School Library Obscenity Specifically Allowed By Pennsylvania Law — A broadcaster depicting sex acts or reading graphic descriptions of them would have its license yanked by the FCC.

A person showing explicit sexual images to a minor — this includes 15 year olds — would be arrested and find himself on Megan’s List.

How do public middle schools get away with putting this in their libraries?

Pennsylvania’s obscenity statue specifically exempts “any public library, any library of any school.”

The law also exempts museums and historical societies and we can understand that, but why “any” library of “any” school?

The exemptions go at least as far back as 2010.

Of course, the plan seems to have long been in the works.

School Library Obscenity Specifically Allowed By Pennsylvania Law

School Library Obscenity Specifically Allowed By Pennsylvania Law

School Porn In Oxford

School Porn In Oxford — A Chesco committeewoman tells us that angry parents are expected at the Oxford Area School Board’s Aug. 8 work session to protest their children being exposed to graphic depictions of sex in the district’s libraries and curriculum.

It starts 7 p.m. at  the Administration Building, 125 Bell Tower Lane, Oxford, PA  19363.

School Porn In Oxford

Grooming At Avon Grove

Grooming At Avon Grove — Attorney and activist Carmela Ciliberti, whose video expose about grooming at Avon Grove’s Fred S. Engle Middle School was reported here, has filed a right-to-know request to obtain information to perform an audit to determine the extent of failure presented by this specific incident and identify systemic issues within the school district in Chester County, Pa.

“The result of this audit will inform whether a public complaint is submitted in accordance with Avon Grove’s Policy Manual Code 906 – Public Complaints,” she said.

She included the below exhibits with her request and asked that what is going on at the school be shared far and wide.

Grooming At Avon Grove

Grooming At Avon Grove

Grooming At Avon Grove

Grooming At Avon Grove

Grooming At Avon Grove

Avon Grove Or Avon Groomer

Avon Grove Or Avon Groomer — Attorney and activist Carmela Ciliberti has a video expose about grooming at Avon Grove’s Fred S. Engle Middle School.

She shows posters praising pornographers and perversion plastering the walls of the school’s halls.

She notes how this likely violates state laws that prohibit the display of obscene material to minors, and induce minors to sexual acts.

You can watch the video on Rumble.

Avon Grove School District consists of the townships of Franklin, London Grove, London Britain, New London and Penn.

It is in the 13th District of the Pennsylvania House represented by John Lawrence and the 9th District of the Pennsylvania Senate represented by John Kane.

Kane is a Democrat who openly supports this stuff. Lawrence, however, a Republican, claims to be against it. Funny, he’s been quiet about it.

Avon Grove Or Avon Groomer

Avon Grove Or Avon Groomer

How Teachers Swiped $2 Billion From Social Security

How Teachers Swiped $2 Billion From Social Security — Joe Fried, a retired CPA who ran his own auditing firm, has a great column on his Substack in which he tells how he was a part of an investigation into how teachers in Texas managed to swipe $2 billion from Social Security in a double-dipping scam.

Teachers on their last day would work six-hours as a minimum wage janitor letting them collect their pension and a Social Security check despite never having paid into Social Security.

Yes, this was in violation of the rules.

No, nothing was done about it.

Read the story here:

How Teachers Swiped $2 Billion From Social Security
How Teachers Swiped $2 Billion From Social Security

Gender Dysphoria Up 100000% Since 2013; Follow The Money; Surgery Cost $300K

Gender Dysphoria Up 100000% Since 2013 — Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack Sunday (April 16) concerned the unfathomable increase in kids claiming gender dysphoria, and the big money being made from the “transitioning” racket.

The Mayo Clinic defines gender dysphoria as the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics.

Dr. Malone notes that the rate of gender dysphoria in 2013 was .005 percent to .014 percent for males and .002 percent to .003 percent for females. In 2022 it was 5 percent for all adults. That’s an increase of almost 100,000 percent if you start with .005 percent.

This increase is obviously due to social manipulation and the unwillingness of those in authority to simply say “you’ll grow out of this and be fine.”

What could ever be the reason for this unwillingness, not to mention the actual manipulation and encouragement?

Malone notes that the cost for “transitioning” reaches $300,000.

Follow the money. Intelligent, highly skilled people have thrown aside compassion for the dollar.

It’s about as evil as it gets.

Granted there are cases where the condition is more than mere emotion. Probably around 1 in 20,000. That’s a hell of a lot different than 1 in 20.

Malone also quotes 2018 Psychology Today article describing how a large minority of kids have developed a belief system whereby they, as a group, espouse that being a normal biological female or male is akin to being immoral and evil. 

This doesn’t happen without planning. This is being taught in schools and reinforced in media.

Anger is not just justified but necessary.

It is also vital for parents to teach their children to love themselves as they were born.

And to say no, be strong and question those claiming authority.

Especially teachers.

Gender Dysphoria Up 100000% Since 2013; Follow The Money; Surgery Cost $300K