Jesus Is Lord Of Life — How do you respond to the misfortunes of others? In a number of places the gospel records that Jesus was “moved to the depths of His heart.”
Our English word “compassion” is a weak translation of the Hebrew word for “sympathy.”
Why was Jesus so moved on this occassion? Jesus not only grieved the untimely death of a youth, but he showed the depth of his concern for a woman who lost not only her husband, but an only child as well. The Scriptures make clear that God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone (Ezekiel 33:11). God desires life, not death.
Jesus not only had compassion, He also had power- the ability to restore life and make whole again. Jesus, however, incurred grave risk by approaching the bier, since contact with a dead body made one ritually impure. His touch not only restored life but brought freedom and wholeness to the soul as well as body.
This miracle is reminiscent of the prophet Elisha who raised another mother’s son (2 Kings 4:18-37).
Jesus claimed as His own one whom death had seized as prey. By his word of power, He restored life for a young man marked for death.
Jesus is Lord not only of the living but of the dead as well. Jesus triumphed over the grave and He promises that because He lives, we also shall live in Him (John 14:19)
Do you trust in the Lord’s power to give life and hope in the face of misfortune and despair?
Jesus Is Lord Of Life