Hearing On Sending Arthur Back To Prison Continued; County Doing What It Can To Stop Mother And Child Reunion — A hearing on revoking Arthur Herring’s bail was continued until July 2 because complainant David Jaskowiak couldn’t appear at the one held, yesterday, June 26 before Bucks County President Judge Raymond F. McHugh
Arthur was arrested, April 27, for picketing Jaskowiak’s home in New Britain. He was charged with two counts of harassment and sent to Bucks County Prison on $100,000 bail.
Arthur is homeless.
After five weeks in the county lockup, McHugh lowered the bail to 10 percent of $10,000 and Arthur’s friends were able to free him.
Bail reduction requests are allowed after 30 days. Arthur says it was granted because he explained he was only picketing on a public sidewalk and not saying anything.
Jaskowiak is the lawyer appointed by Montgomery County as attorney for Arthur’s mother.
His mom has been under court-mandated guardianship since May 2021. See this story.
Arthur feels the county is slowly siphoning off his mother’s estate without her permission. This is reason enough for anger but far worse, though, is how they are preventing mother and son from seeing each other.
Arthur and his mom haven’t been together since December. Arthur blames Jaskowiak.
McHugh, as conditions of bail, directed Arthur to get a psychiatric evaluation, apply for a public defender and not have contact with Jaskowiak.
Getting the psych evaluation was harder than it sounded but Arthur managed. He applied for a public defender but met him for the first time yesterday. Public defenders are swamped let us note. The fellow, by the way, seems like a pretty decent lawyer.
Arthur, unfortunately, sent an email to the court-appointed guardian of the estate — whose salary is coming from the estate — informing him that their mail to him was being sent to an incorrect address. He cc’d Jaskowiak as had been his custom. Jaskowiak contacted police who contacted the judge who called a hearing about revoking bail
Arthur’s mom is 99 years old and Arthur is 70. If he goes to prison he may never see his mom again.
It’s one thing to keep a parent from an abusive child but if mom wants to see child and child wants to see mom, and the system lets a petty tyrant stop that, the system is evil.
Arthur protesting at a Montco Commissioners meeting
“The system is evil.” This is a perfect summary of what is going on. Thank you to all who are standing up.
Thank you for your continued exposure of these horrifying arrangements whereby a human being can own another human being, decide where they live, decide who they can see, and use all of their money. This is not help, this is not protection, this is Elder Abuse.
Absolutely evil, the entire system needs to come down . My bet is that country wants the estate for themselves.
The corrupt Montco Judge Weillheimer, friends with Laurie and Josh Shapiro aka the fuckuglies, and her corrupt husband the Chief General Counsel for the Philadelphia Inquirer, Larrt Wallheimer, and that corrupt attorney parental guardianship Jackowski in Arthurs case are absolutely colluding with other attorneys, and judges in other counties taking kick backs to keep kidnapping these parents and children to keep them in these homes and to prevent them from seeing family while these corrupt attorneys drain Arthur’s mom and other parents stuck these kidnapping schemes with the ultimate goal to drain their bank accounts is the criminal racket.