Book By Volpe Describes Chicago Corruption

Mike Volpe, the reporter who broke the story on Anna Chacko and the Pittsburgh VA Hospital, has a book out about how, Chuck Panici, an influential Republican in the Chicago suburbs was railroaded by federal prosecutors in the early ’90s.

It’s called  Prosecutors Gone Wild: The Inside Story of the Trial of Chuck Panici, John Gliottoni, and Louise Marshall and can be found on Amazon.
Shades of Curt Weldon and Ted Stevens. It’s funny how things like this never seem to happen to big-government Democrats.
Anyway, Volpe tells us that Dr. Chacko has been fired from the Pittsburgh VA and has been having trouble getting new work. Her LinkedIn profile has her living in Montana while describing herself as a “Professor of Radiology at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.”

Pa. Takes On Fish Poachers

The governor signed into law a bill introduced in the House to protect high-value fish and other aquatic life from poachers, reports State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129). 

House Bill 2293 creates a new category of offenses within the Fish and Boat Code for serious unlawful takes and significantly increase penalties for poaching. Prior to this new law, poaching was graded as a summary offense punishable by a fine of $50. A serious unlawful take would be graded as a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of no less than $500 and no more than $5,000. 

The law also addresses the taking or possession of fish or other aquatic life by any means other than what is specifically authorized by law. Further, a person found guilty of violating these offenses would be assessed the costs incurred by the Fish and Boat Commission to replace the threatened or endangered species involved in the violation. 

In addition, the new law also makes other changes to the Fish and Boat Code, including increasing the duration of time for which the Fish and Boat Commission can revoke a person’s fishing and boating privileges, increasing summary offense fines for the first time in more than a decade and increasing the severity of offenses for performing certain acts while a license, permit or privilege is suspended or revoked. 

Democrat Of The Year Convicted Of Stealing From Blind, Handicapped Woman

Estelle Carson, who in 2011 was named Democrat of the Year by the Democratic Party of Jefferson County, Colorado has been convicted of felony theft and felony identity theft for taking checks from a 71-year-old, partially blind, developmentally disabled 71-year-old woman with cerebral palsy.

Please do not be outraged by this. As Ms. Carson is a female and minority and a Democrat she is obviously a basically good person. Further, there is no indication she ever referred to her victim as a “retard’, hence proving she is sensitive.
Yet, she faces nine-years in prison, and perhaps even worse, will not be able to vote for President Obama as per our understanding of Colorado law thereby putting the state in jeopardy of falling to the forces of retrograde which will prevent President Obama from winning a second term and keeping us all from getting our own free pet unicorn.

Get Out The Vet To Oversee Elections

Get Out The Vet, a voting oversight program formed by veterans, is educating our troops as to how to register, request ballots and vote online, or request federal write-in absentee ballots, in light of Department of Defense stonewalling mandates to provide easier access to the franchise.

Members of the group will also be monitoring polling places to reduce voter intimidation and be poll watchers.
For information visit
Hat tip Tom C.

Benghazi Twitter Trends Indicate Media Sea Change

Once upon a time, the American establishment mouthpiece media — which had a near monopoly — could make disappear a story like one about the callousness and incompetence shown by the Obama administration on Sept. 11 regarding the attack in Benghazi.

Well, the times they are a changing.
Trending on Twitter right now are Tyrone Woods, one of the former SEALs killed in the attack under the headline  Osama Bin Laden Is Dead. So Are Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty; and #Benghazi.