Little Girl’s Karate Lesson

A sweet petite seven-year-old girl I know is taking karate lessons. She’s quite proud of what she knows and makes sure she shows her new moves to her father when he comes home from work.

Well, after one recent demonstration she goes  to wash up for bed when she remembered she forgot one.

“Daddy, Daddy, wait.”

She runs from the bathroom, grabs Daddy by the shoulders and knees him squarely in the groin.

Daddy says his laughing alternated with the gasping.

Marple Newtown $65 Million High School Project

Marple Newtown’s $65 million high school renovation project is going to start in earnest next summer. It iwill  include a new 28,500-square foot cafeteria,
7,700-square foot performing arts area and 3,300-square foot,
six-classroom addition, and  62-space parking lot next to the
tennis courts.

That would come to about $5,000 per household in the district — albeit taxes from commercial properties will lesson the pain a slight tad.The district spends about $65 million annually too.


Marple Newtown $65 Million High School Project

Marple Newtown $65 Million High School Project

Riddle Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Not Staffed

A friend told me how she took her sister to Riddle Memorial Hospital’s emergency room for a severe allergic reaction, only to be told by the volunteer at the desk that there was no doctor on duty and it would be 30 minutes before she could be triaged.

They ended up taking her to Springfield Hospital where she was admitted and given an IV.


Riddle Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Not Staffed


Riddle Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Not Staffed