Swordfish vs Sharks William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-29-18

Swordfish vs Sharks — Swordfish and mako sharks are natural enemies. Both are among the fastest species of fish. The mako will try to make a meal of the swordfish. It often fails. Broken-off swordfish swords have been found in the heads of dead mako sharks.

Swordfish vs Sharks William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-29-18

Swordfish vs Sharks William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-29-18

Buy much for little William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-29-18

Buy much for little William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-29-18

U’p sdaiz gb rqmduzs ftq xkzot yane ar ftq Wg Wxgj Wxmz; me mz mpgxf U ime efmdfuzs fa iazpqd ur U’p nqqz mrdmup ar ftq idazs itufq bqabxq mxx mxazs – itqdq U ime nquzs bgdegqp zaf nk nusafe uz itufq danqe, ngf nk xqrf-iuzs lqmxafe pdmbqp uz rxaiuzs emzofuyazk.
Oxmdqzoq Ftayme 

Buy much for little William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-29-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Some buy much for little, but pay for it seven times over.


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