Bayer Sold Heroin William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 9-20-22

Bayer sold heroin.

The name for the drug heroin was coined by Bayer and comes from the Greek word Heros becomes the company thought it had an “heroic” effict on users.

Bayer had the name trademarked until it lost it — along with aspirin —  following Germany’s defeat in World War I.

Yes, Bayer sold heroin. To children.

Bayer sold heroin

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-15-14

A bit of bad news. Most people by age 60 have lost 50 percent of their taste buds and over 40 percent of their sense of smell.

And some good news. The authorities today don’t seem to think this the cause of loss of taste as when this Omnibit was first published back in the 1980s.

people by age 60 have lost 50 percent of their taste buds

Four Eyes on a Dollar Bill William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-13-22

There are four eyes on a dollar bill. Two belong to George Washington, there is that spooky one atop the pyramid, and one is on the eagle. 

Count them yourself.

Four Eyes on a Dollar Bill William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-13-22

Oysters that can climb trees William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-12-14

In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees. Well, they really don’t climb them. They attach to the submerged roots and hang on while the tide goes out. They are called Mangrove oysters.

Oysters that can climb trees William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-12-14