For no People will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when Knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own Weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.
—Samuel Adams letter to James Warren, Nov. 4, 1775.
Category: Quote
Quote Of The Day From T.J.
. . .that the several States
composing the United States of America, are
not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general
government; but that
by compact under the style and title of a Constitution for the United
States and of
amendments thereto, they constituted a general government for special
purposes, delegated
to that government certain definite powers, reserving each State to
itself, the residuary
mass of right to their own self-government; and that whensoever the
general government
assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of
no force:
–Thomas Jefferson, The Kentucky Resolutions, Nov. 16, 1798