Montco Judge Puts Lawyer In Cuffs

Montco Judge Puts Lawyer In Cuffs — We just posted the horror story involving Montgomery County, Pa.’s judicial system and then we learn this was just put on Facebook by National Safe Parents.

It concerns Richard Ducote, a litigator on matters of domestic abuse. Ducote, who is based in Louisiana, got a license to practice in Pennslvania in 2009.

Montco Judge Puts Respected Lawyer In Cuffs
Richard Ducote

He is representing noted ophthalmologist Dr. Nicole Gross in her own horror-story divorce case.

Montco Common Please Court Judge Kelly Wall had Ducote arrested and handcuffed, May 8, while he was questioning a witness, according to Danielle Pollack of National Safe Parents.

Ducote had said that Judge Wall should recuse herself as she had engaged in ex parte communications, which is a violation of judicial ethics.

He says his arrest was retaliation for this.

Ex parte is when one of the parties in a legal dispute is not present when an action occurs. Sometimes it’s allowed but usually not.

Montco Judge Puts Lawyer In Cuffs

One thought on “Montco Judge Puts Lawyer In Cuffs”

  1. Judge Wall, Weillheimer, Tulliver, Demcheck-Alloy and few others seem to be always on the wrong side of the law. Once they become judges in Montco it goes to their head and they think they are untouchable, unstoppable, and immune from the law until we expose their frauds on families, real estate, custody disputes, divorces, and child and parental guardianships otherwise called court kidnapping by unqualified and corrupt judges. All connected to Josh Shitpiro the Dogsh#t and Devil Spawn of Montgomery County. alot of these advocates and 3rd party social workers are also in on the steal of money and kids for cash like MCAP.

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