LifeLog William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-17-18

The Pentagon had an ambitious plan to build a database tracking a person’s entire existence. It was called LifeLog. The idea was to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does; the phone calls he made, the emails he sent, the movies he watched and the music he liked. Civil libertarians found out about it, however, and raised a fuss.

So on Feb. 4, 2004, it was announced that the intrusive project was being cancelled.

Entirely coincidentally we are sure, that was the date Facebook was launched.

LifeLog William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-17-18
LifeLog William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-17-18


Homosexual Culture Caused Catholic Scandal Says Cardinal

Homosexual Culture Caused Catholic Scandal Says Cardinal — Cardinal Raymond Burke, who is Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome, has finally and courageously stated the reason for the sickness that has been revealed in the Catholic Church: homosexual culture.

“Now it seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root,” he said.

Only about 5 percent of the scandal involved pedophilia according to studies. About 80 percent involves sex with postpubescent males.

“It’s been a homosexual scandal all along,” he said.

He’s right of course. The clergy who have done these twisted things obviously don’t believe what they have been ordained to teach and pastor.

The big question is how did they obtain their positions. The why is easy to answer as wolves find it advantageous to dress as sheepdogs.

Homosexual Culture Caused Catholic Scandal

Homosexual Culture Caused Catholic Scandal Says Cardinal


Shoulder the sky William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-17-18

Shoulder the sky William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-17-18

Ykxx pbee bl max ebuxkmr mh vahhlx patm bl kbzam tvvhkwbgz mh Zhwl etp.
Ftetvab Ftkmbg

Shoulder the sky William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-17-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Shoulder the sky, my lad, and drink your ale.
A. E. Housman


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