Brian Cates Vs Lin Wood

Brian Cates Vs Lin Wood — A battle is raging between Epoch Times columnist Brian Cates and attorney Lin Wood and allies over Cates calling Wood out for his claim that he thinks “Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape.”

It’s a Qazy claim but dismissing conspiracy theories don’t make them go away.

Wood’s claim is based on a whistleblower of whom he posted video describing such stuff.

The whistleblower has been revealed to be Ryan Dark White.

A summation of what was said in the video can be found at

Ryan Dark White is a real person who has been connected to shady things on behalf of the government. Sharyl Attkisson cites him in her lawsuit against the government for spying on her. Ms. Attkisson’s suit was filed almost a year before Wood made his claims.

Cates would do far better to use his platform to interview White, rather than throw social media zingers at Wood. He might find that White has been tasked with sowing disinformation to discredit Trump allies. He might find that Wood took things out of context.

Or he might find something else.

Stop being lazy Brian and do your job.

Wood posted this letter on his Telegram channel regarding White.

Brian Cates Vs Lin Wood
Brian Cates Vs Lin Wood

Men by nature desire William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-6-21

Men by nature desire William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-6-21


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Linlq Yaxenak

Men by nature desire William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-6-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: All men by nature desire knowledge.

Men by nature desire William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-6-21