Ghost Car Of West Chester Pike

Ghost Car Of West Chester Pike

Newtown Square, Pa. was farm country in the 1950s. Newspaper stories involved dogs killing sheep and dairy cows getting loose, and, of course, traffic accidents. A car carrying a man, wife and teenaged son was struck by a drunk driver one Christmas shortly after midnight on West Chester Pike. They were killed. They were coming home from Christmas Eve services. The occupants of the striking car, two young men who will remain nameless since family members are still alive, survived with minor injuries. They were looking for another party.

The driver’s family had political connections and he escaped with a slap on the wrist. Accounts say he liked to joke about it and the deaths he caused.

Within six months, he was back on the road boozing and burning rubber. Within a year, he was dead overturning his 1938 Plymouth hot rod on the trolley tracks that went along the highway. Yes, it was early Christmas morning; yes it was near the place where he killed the family; and yes, his passenger was the man with him in the first crash and he also died.

Spooky, huh? But not a ghost story, at least not yet.

That part of West Chester Pike is patrolled by Pennsylvania State Police and municipal police from Newtown Township. Reports soon appeared of a recklessly driven ’38 Plymouth that they couldn’t manage to bring down. As the years passed, it became quite unusual to see that type of vehicle on the road yet the reports and police chases continued. The chase always happened in the early morning albeit it was not dependent on the season. Roadblocks would be set but the quarry would never arrive.

Once an officer did manage to pull alongside the Plymouth and see the occupants. He wrote that they were “two young men in strangely out-of-style slicked back duck-tail haircuts, with expressions of absolute and abject terror and pain, as though they were seeing Hell and knew they could never escape”.

That’s the ghost story.


This is rather similar to the first story although it takes place in Springfield about the turn of the millennium and involves two young ladies. Well, three if you count Kristina.

Somehow a story got around that a ghost child named Kristina lived in a particular house in Springfield, Pa. and that if you called her name, she would appear to you. All that summer and fall youth from throughout Delaware County would pass the house — on feet, in cars, on bicycles, on skateboards — shouting “Kristina, Kristina” at all hours of night and day annoying the neighbors to no end. Of course, Kristina never appeared.

Well, maybe once.

The young ladies — we’ll call them Aimee and Lisa, although they aren’t their real names – – were popular, attractive, and by all accounts, rather mean. They were returning from a Saturday night party early Sunday morning and as they passed the house, Lisa, the passenger, yelled out “Kristina” through her open window. Aimee saw a little girl appear in front of the car and was certain she hit her before managing to come to a stop. As she feverishly tried to figure a way out of the mess, the girl appeared at her window. “Hi,” she said. “I’m Kristina. You’re both going to be dead by this time next week. Prepare yourselves.” She then vanished.

Initially shaken, Aimee and Lisa soon began giggling. They credited the event to the drugs they had been taking. They talked about it all that week at school. “Ha Ha,” they joked. “Say goodbye to us. Kristina said we are going to be dead.”

And while returning from a party early Sunday morning, Aimee drove into a maple tree killing them both.

Some say you can see them in a ’38 Plymouth, the unhappy dates of two unhappy men.

You can be certain these stories are true. They are on the internet.

Copyright 2009 ©

Ghost Car Of West Chester Pike


Pennsylvania Witch Trial

Pennsylvania Witch Trial — Pennsylvania had its own witch trial that beat the more famous — and far more deadly  — ones in Massachusetts by a decade.

It was presided over by William Penn, himself, and it happened in Delaware County in Ridley.

Margaret Mattson, the wife of Neals, was accused of bewitching cows and indicted for the dastardly deed on Feb. 27, 1683. She pleaded not guilty and was remanded to trial with a jury of 12 and Penn as the judge.

Penn asked her “Art thou a witch? Has thou ridden through the air on a broomstick?” Margaret, a Swede who did not speak English very well, answered “yes.” Penn pointed out that riding a broomstick was not illegal. The jury went out and came back with verdict of guilty  of “having the common frame of being a witch” but not guilty of bewitching the cows. Her husband and son-in-law pledged 50 pounds each to guarantee her good behavior for the next six months. Presumably they never lost their money and Margaret lived to a nice old age.

This was Pennsylvania’s first and only witch trial.

Just gives us one more reason to feel superior to New England, we feel. Quidditch is cool in The Keystone State.

Pennsylvania Witch Trial


Pennsylvania Witch Trial

Own opinions William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-31-24

Own opinions Cryptowit Quote Puzzle 10-31-24 by William W. Lawrence Sr.

W cnwjzikpdan lnapajzo oda zkaoj’p gjks sdk ukq wna kj Dwhhksaaj.
Aniw Xkixayg

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: For I am not so enamoured of my own opinions that I disregard what others may think of them.
Nicolaus Copernicus

Own opinions Cryptowit Quote Puzzle 10-31-24 by William W. Lawrence Sr.