Japanese naval officers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-8-24

Japanese naval officers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-8-24

Y qc jxu weet ixufxuht. Y adem co emd qdt co emd adem cu, zkij qi jxu Vqjxuh ademi cu qdt Y adem jxu Vqjxuh; qdt Y bqo temd co byvu veh jxu ixuuf.
Zexd 10:14-15

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Japanese naval officers in dress whites are frequent guests at Pearl Harbor’s officers’ mess and are very polite. They always were. Except, of course, for that little interval there between 1941 and 1945.
William Manchester

Japanese naval officers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-8
Japanese naval officers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-8-19