Boys Latin Hears Rand Paul At Commencement — Yesterday’s (June 10) commencement speech at Boys’ Latin of Philadelphia Charter School was given by Sen. Rand Paul, the outspoken, anti-corruption advocate from Kentucky and Tea Party favorite.
He used the opportunity to promote education and the empowerment of parents.
“I’m lucky to speak to a group of students who are not only an exception
to the rule, but come from a school that produces exceptional students
as a rule,” he said. “Boys Latin is a great example of the kind of
education I think we need to move toward, where parents can choose what
kind of education their children receive, where parents can choose an
education their children may not have otherwise had.”
The school has 368 students — all boys, 99 percent of whom are black and 86 percent of whom are eligible for a free lunch.
Great school. A good friend sent her son there . A real success story. Every American kid should have the same kind of opportunity.