Philadelphia Honor Flight Sept. 9 2012 Trip

Philadelphia Honor Flight Sept. 9 2012 TripPhiladelphia Honor Flight Sept. 9 2012 Trip — The red carpet was rolled out for 100 World War II veterans, Sunday, Sept. 9, at St. Luke’s Greek Orthodox Church in Marple Townships, Pa. when year-old Honor Flight Philadelphia finished its fourth trip and second solo one.

Honor Flight is a national organization created in 2005 to provide a day of recognition for veterans in Washington D.C.. There is no cost to the veteran. World War II and terminally ill veterans are given a priority to participate. The average age of a World War II veteran is 90 years.

The Philadelphia hub was started in 2011.

After their day in the capital, the veterans were greeted with a red carpet, string band, honor guard and throngs of flag wavers at the church hall on Malin Road. They then got  a dinner catered by Luigi and Giovanni Caterers of Newtown Square which included a floor show by the Manhattan Dolls performing World War II era music.

Numerous local businesses made donations.  Gentiles Market in Newtown Square gave a case of bananas. Swiss Farms of Springfield gave  cases  of water. Wawa, Inc. gave numerous cartons of juice and tea. Herr’s  gave  snack crackers. Vitas and Main Line Medical Supplies gave wheelchairs. Just Born provided Peanut Chews and Chick-fil-A provided breakfast certificates.

Also, The Delaware County Intermediate Unit opened its parking lot and facilities to the vets and guardians for the early morning take off as parking at the church would have interfered with Sunday services.

The Marple Police Department and Broomall and Newtown Square volunteer fire companies provided invaluable assistance.

The Greater Overbrook String Band donated their music for the greeting.

Police departments starting with Pennsylvania State Police gave the four buses carrying the veterans a constant escort throughout the day.

Delaware County Councilman John McBlain, Congressman Chaka Fattah and Andrew Colket of Congressman Pat Meehan’s office were the speakers.

Neal Pizzano portrayed a World War II era MP and Korean War Marine James Eman provided a display of memorabilia.

If you know a World War II veteran who would be interested in participating or would like to be a guardian or just want more information about Honor Flight Philadelphia please visit or the national site at

Guardians are asked to make a contribution to help defray the $6,000 per bus cost, says Honor Flight Phildelphia founder Andrew Schiavello.

Philadelphia Honor Flight Sept. 9 2012 Trip
Honor Flight Philadelphia leaving the Delaware County Technical High School in Marple at 6:30 a.m., Sept. 9

 Philadelphia Honor Flight Sept. 9 2012 Trip

Lewis Hiller In WWII

Honor Flight is a national non-profit organization founded in 2005 to give aging or terminally ill veterans a day of honor in Washington D.C. There is no cost to the veterans. 
The average age for a living World War II veteran is about 90, so they are getting first priority for seats.
The Philadelphia hub’s next trip is Sept. 9. It leaves from and returns to St. Luke’s Greek Orthodox Church, 35 N. Malin Road, Broomall, Pa. 19008.
The return is at 6:30 p.m., and those wishing to join the welcome back with flag-waving and cheers would be well appreciated. 
Among the veterans participating in the trip will be Lewis Hiller of Dunmore, Pa. Below is his story.
By Lewis Hiller
I was inducted into the U.S. Army on August 28, 1941 at Fort Meade, MD. We received uniforms and a bit of basic Army life and bused out seven days later to Camp Walters, Texas. At Camp Walters, we completed 13 weeks of basic Army training. Following basic training, a11 40 of us new soldiers were assigned to the 45th Division at Camp Barkely, Texas. The Division was mainly made up of the Oklahoma and Arizona National Guard, including a large number of American Indians. Most of us “dammed Yankees” had never even seen an Indian before.
In March 1942, after training in Texas, we were shipped to Pine Camp in NY for winter training, expecting to fight the Russians. There we had ski training and hiking through deep snow that was up to our waist and sometimes our chests. Every soldier would take his turn at the point for two minutes and then drop back to the end of the line. Many of the men developed pneumonia and frozen hands and feet. Obviously, training was very difficult.
In the spring of 1942 we were moved from there to Fort Devens, MA to train off Martha’s Vineyard and to do mountain hiking in the forests of New Hampshire. We remained at Fort Devens through Christmas 1942. We had paraded through Boston and most of the surrounding towns in New England for months until Walter Winchell got on the air and broadcast that we were only a parade outfit and should be overseas fighting the Germans. Soon we were put on alert and the Division was then sent to Camp Pickett in Virginia for amphibious landing training off the coasts of North and South Carolina. The weather there was unusually cold in early spring, and several men were lost who fell from frozen rope ladders and were crushed or drowned between the ships. We later shipped to Camp Patrick Henry, VA that turned out to be our P.O.E (Port of Embarkation).
On June 8, 1943, we loaded on the ships for unknown ports. After 14 days of zigzagging across the Atlantic, we arrived off the shore of Oran, North Africa. On June 22, we went down the cargo nets with full field packs, two bandoleers of ammunition, three hand grenades, rifles, bayonets, two canteens of water, three days of rations, and loaded in the Landing Crafts Personnel (LCP’ s) to head into combat in North Africa. After 2 1/2 hours of riding the waves, most of us were seasick and crawled ashore. If General Rommel and the Germans forces were still there waiting, many of us wouldn’t have made it.
Rommel’s luck had turned also, and he was on the run, abandoning North Africa. We stayed in North Africa for a few weeks of training and reconditioning, or mainly to stretch our legs, before heading back into the ships for the invasion of Sicily.
On August 12,1943, under General Patton, we loaded into the ships in North Africa and hit the beaches of Sicily, off the shores of Gaela. The Navy was short of training, and as a result, dropped the ramps on a sand bar, and we ran off into 10 feet of water. We lost a lot of men who either drowned or were shot by the Germans who were waiting for us. We came ashore and were immediately in hand-to-hand combat. We fought through the Germans and pushed to eight miles inland on the first day. It was reported that our casualty rate that day was over 65%. It was a real awakening for all of us. I remember seeing a German with a flame-thrower put the flame on Sgt. Cook and burn him down to an ash. I can still see that today. I also remember taking our first prisoners and all of us receiving an order to shoot them because there was no way to hold them and to continue fighting.
In a battle to guard Calagerone Airport in Sicily, from being retaken by the Germans, I was hit in the left leg by German bullets and about the same time a bullet struck my full canteen. It knocked me down but I got up quickly and ran to catch up with our men. With great relief, I learned that my leg was very wet from the hole in my canteen, and not from my own blood. The Medic patched me up and we moved on. We pushed up through Sicily, the 1st Division on our left and the 36th on our right to the city of Palermo. Near the city, we stopped for a short rest along a coast road overlooking the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, the Germans spotted us from a railroad gun from up above. We lost a number of good men. My good friend Lynn Hannah, who was no more than five feet from me, was hit in 57 places. I didn’t get a scratch. General Bedell Smith pulled us out of our shock and probably saved all our lives. After a good fight, we took the guns and continued on to Messina. At Messina, we learned the Germans had pulled out and crossed over into Italy.
We were pulled back to Palermo to receive replacements, ammunition, and rations, and we were told that we were selected to spearhead the landing in Italy. We had the 3rd Division on our left and the 36th Division, along with the British on our right.
In late July 1943, we landed with little resistance near Salerno, in Italy near Salerno, under the command of General Clark. However, the 179th Infantry landed benath a cliff and ran into a strong German defense. After we secured our beachhead, we set an enveloping deployment around the German forces to allow the 179th clearance to get off the beach. Together, we pushed inland.
The campaign up through Italy was much more difficult than was Sicily. The terrain was very mountainous. We fought up each mountain through the Po Valley toward Naples. The Germans had very powerful tanks and were set up in the mountains overlooking the valley. With superior tanks and position, they quickly disposed of our tank support. The German tank mounted 88’s caliber guns could track a lone soldier and get him within three shots.
As the Platoon Leader and the assigned B.A.R man, I was firing from behind a rock wall shooting down at the German forces. My friend Jim Gaitanis, at the end of our line, was badly hit. Fortunately, I was able to turn over the B.A.R to one of the ammunition carriers, crawl out to pick off the sniper and get Jim to the Medic. However, later that same day, I was struck behind the ear by a bullet that went through my helmet. I still don’t remember how I got to the field hospital for a five-day stay. We captured many German and Italian troops as we pushed up through the ridges and valleys. The Germans were the best trained soldiers in the world but they were trained to follow their leaders’ commands and weren’t taught to think for themselves which was a big difference between them and the U.S. Army soldiers. They said they never knew what the Yanks would do next because we used our heads and did what we thought would work.
After a few days of needed R & R following the liberation of Naples, we fought inch by inch against well-entrenched German troops as we headed north toward Monte Cas
sino. The Germans stopped us cold, and we were pulled out in January of 1944 to spearhead the Anzio Beachhead invasion, a move to outflank the German Gustav line.
The armada left Naples for Anzio, landing in January 1944 under General Lucas, and caught the Germans by surprise. However, there were too few troops to advance inland more than a few miles. We were ordered to hold up and to dig deep foxholes, but unfortunately this was the rainy season, and we lost a number of men to dysentery and trench foot. I was one of the first to get amoebic dysentery and was carried away from the beach by stretcher to spend several days on the hospital ship, Arcadia, in the bay of Anzio. Here, all the injured were laid side by side on the deck of the ship. I can vividly remember the German fighter planes flying over us strafing the ship, bullets ricocheting off the deck, within several feet where we lay. Although a terrifying experience, I was too sick to move.
I returned to my unit just a couple days before we received orders that we were jumping off to break through on our way toward Rome. At Monte Cassino, our tanks were brought up to the hedgerow where we were holding position. The gun barrels of the tanks extended over our heads firing for hours at the German stronghold at the Abbey. As a result, I couldn’t hear anything for three days after that. At Bizerette Airport, we chased the Germans out, but a German tiger tank fired at the wall protecting us, causing it to collapse on us. After digging out and running toward a better location, I got hit in the leg, and treated by the medic in the field. The Germans were in retreat when we finally reached the city of Rome. Rome was declared an open city in June 1943. We were given passes to go into the city, where we visited St. Peter’s Cathedral and the tombs.
Once again, the 45th and the 3rd Division, under General Omar Bradley, spearheaded the landings for the invasion of southern France in August 1944. Our division landed between Marseilles and Toulon against heavy German opposition, but were able to break through and move inland nearly 12 miles the first day. We connected with the 3rd Army, which had landed at Omaha Beach and pushed nearly 400 miles toward Germany. Amazingly, there were only two of us soldiers left from the original Company E, 180 Division. However, my time was running out.
In September, near Rougemont, France and the German border, I got hit with shrapnel from a mortar shell and was sent to the 300th General Hospital in Naples, Italy where I stayed for nearly three months. The largest fragment of metal went completely through my leg creating a hole about two inches wide. However, many smaller pieces remained. The surgeon colonel did a good job removing the larger pieces of shrapnel, but couldn’t get all the smaller ones without risking the loss of my leg. He advised me to discourage any further surgery. For much of the three months in the hospital in Italy, I wore a body cast that ran from lower leg to chest.
On December 10, 1944, I was sent from Naples by hospital ship across the Atlantic to Batty General Hospital in Rome Georgia. Several days later, the army offered-me train tickets home to Scranton, PA to see my family for Christmas. I took my crutches and gratefully accepted their offer. I arrived in Philadelphia on Christmas afternoon, but too late for the train to Scranton. After sleeping in the lonely train station that night, I caught a morning train to Wilkes Barre and there transferred to the Laurel Line to Scranton, and the trolley to Dunmore. Getting along with my crutches and duffel bag along the route was not easy. That afternoon, I found the 2nd floor apartment on N. Blakely Street in Dunmore and was home. It was the first time I saw my son, David who was born 15 months earlier. It was wonderful to be home.
After the Christmas holidays, I reported to Camp Pickett, VA to a hospital for rehab on my wounded leg. I was there until the end of May 1945. I made many good friends in the Army, and lost many good soldiers and friends. Truly, God watched over me through many tough battles in and close contacts with death all around me. In May, I was shipped to Fort Dix, NJ and received my discharge from the service on June 18,1945 and headed back home to my family.
Lewis Hiller In WWII
Lewis Hiller In WWII

Delco Council Commends Honor Flight Philly

Honor Flight’s year-old Philadelphia hub was commended, today, Aug. 22, by Delaware County Council for its work in honoring veterans. Honor Flight gives veterans trips to Washington D.C. for a day in which they tour their memorials and are treated with special honor. There is no cost to them. As of now, the trips are restricted to World War II and terminally ill veterans although the group soon expects to be including veterans from the Korean War. Delco Council Commends Honor Flight Philly
Delco Council Commends Honor Flight PhillyPresenting the certificate is Councilman Mario Civera Jr., who is the council’s liaison to the county’s Department of Veterans Affairs and an Air Force veteran. Flanking him are World War II veterans Carmen Laino of Springfield and Ed Pizzi of Newtown Square who will be participants in Honor Flight Philadelphia’s Sept. 9 trip. With them in the front row are (from left) Honor Flight members Rick Megaro of Springfield, Marie Martinelli of Havertown, group president and founder Andrew Schiavello of Springfield, Grace Amen of Philadelphia and Bill Lawrence of Springfield. In back are county council members John P. McBlain, Dave White, Tom McGarrigle and Colleen Morrone.
Delco Council Commends Honor Flight Philly

Honor Flight Philly Has First Bucks County Trip

Two busloads of World War II veterans spent a day of honor in Washington D.C.,  June 22 courtesy of Honor Flight Philadelphia and Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (R-8).
All expenses including meals were covered for the vets.
It was the hub’s third trip since being chartered a year ago  and the first from Bucks County. leaving and returning from the Spring Mill Country Club in Ivyland.
“I credit Marie Martinelli and Patrick Carberry for making this event come together,” said hub President Andrew Schiavello.
Honor Flight is a national non-profit organization founded in 2005 to give aging or terminally ill veterans a day of honor in Washington D.C.
Honor Flight Philly Has First Bucks County Trip

Honor Flight Philly First Solo Mission Lands

Honor Flight Philly First Solo Mission LandsHonor Flight Philly First Solo Mission Lands — Honor Flight Philadelphia’s first solo trip ended with a rousing reception at Anthony’s Restaurant, 4990 State Road in Drexel Hill from their day in Washington D. C., April 14.

Greeting the three busloads of World War II veterans and their guardians were The Greater Overbrook String Band; Philadelphia Flyers Ice Girls; Swoop, who is the Philadelphia Eagles mascot; an arch made by fire company ladder trucks; honor guards from at least two different units; the Manhatten Dolls singers; and Congressman Pat Meehan.

There was hardly a dry eye among the veterans as they walked or were wheeled down a red carpet past a throng of flag wavers.

“It was a memorable day for me, said Myer Kurgan, a 95-year-old Army veteran from Delaware Valley  Veterans Home in Philadelphia. “It was very thoughtful.”

Kurgan served 38 months in Europe during the war.

“I started to feel good again,” said William Wilson, also of Delaware Valley Veterans Home. “I wouldn’t give it up.”

Wilson,87, was a Marine Aviation gunner who served in the South Pacific.  “We did a lot of damage,” he said.

Honor Flight is a national non-profit organization founded in 2005 to give aging or terminally ill veterans a day of honor in Washington D.C.

 There is no cost to the veterans. 

The Philadelphia hub was started by Springfield resident Andrew  Schiavello, who last June had seen a feature about the national group on Fox News  that piqued his interest.

“I  called (Honor Flight) about it,” he said. “There wasn’t a hub in Pennsylvania and they had been trying for six years.”

He decided to start a Philadelphia hub.

“How can a city this big not have a hub when little towns across the country have them,” he said.

The national group sent him the paper work along with directions as to how to start things. He got an accountant to help him set up a 501C3 tax empt organization and he created a board of directors.

With all the T’s crossed,  Honor Flight sent him the applications on file for the Philadelphia area — which had a 100 mile radius and included South Jersey, the Poconos, and Delaware.

There had been a waiting list of 130 persons some of whom had been on it since 2008. Only a handful were still interested in participating. Thirty had died. The health of others had declined. The average age of World War II veterans is 87.

Schiavello and his fellow board members Cathy Domizo of Newtown Square, Marie Martinelli of Havertown, Tracy Hagan of New Jersey, Laura Bennditt of Philadelphia, and Andrew’s wife, Angela,  began seeking new applicants. VFW and American Legion posts were contacted and message was spread through word of mouth.

They were “living Honor Flight”, Schiavello says.

“Any time I saw an older gentleman, I asked him (if he was a World War II veteran)” he says.

The group got a chance for a practice run last November when the History Channel asked them to organize a trip to Vietnam veterans for a Veterans Day event. Normally, Honor Flight assigns places on the basis of age, which in the case of the Philadelphia region means World War II,  or on whether the veteran is terminally ill. The special trip was a boon to the group, however, as the cable channel supplied the funding which the new group desperately needed. Each trip costs about $250 per veteran.

Due to the age of the veterans Honor Flight discourages trips from December through March when icy walkways are a concern.

So this meant Philadelphia’s first solo fight was going to be in April. The recruiting continued.

Linda Frangipane of  Vitas, a national veterans care group, joined the organization. She signed up 25 vets and provided 50 wheel chairs. Bill Lawrence of Springfield was tasked with publicity. All are volunteers.

When the day came 74 veterans and 72 guardians boarded the bus.

Schiavello, 52, who is the owner of Cappuccino Connection, a wholesale coffee supply house, said fundraising may be the hardest and most unrecognized part of making the trips works.

He said the assistance provided by local businesses was invaluable. He cited  Swiss Farms Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews, Herr’s, Wawa, the Pilgrim Gardens McDonald’s, and Anthony’s Restaurant as being especially helpful.  He also expressed gratitude for the contributions by the Philadelphia Phllies; the Philadelphia Eagles; the Philadelphia Flyers’; bugler Al Harper; The General Smedley D. Butler Marine Corps League Detachment; American Legion Post 667; the Pennsylvania State Police which provided an escort for the veterans departure;  Warriors’  Watch Riders which provided an escort for the veterans arrival; and the Broomall and Garrettford-Drexel Hill fire companies.

Also making a significant contribution were members of Local 752 IATSE Ticketsellers. Ann Hagen helped check in veterans in at 5:30  the morning of the trip, and Carol Clowry  and Mike Lutz were guardians. Board member Tracy Hagen, who is also a member of the union, went along as a guardian as well.

Those wishing to make a donation, and donations are very much needed, can do so either through PayPal or by credit card from the website .

For information about getting involved with Honor Flight Philadelphia, or about where to mail a check call 610-662-1812 or email

Honor Flight Philly First Solo Mission Lands

Inaugural Honor Flight Lands


Inaugural Honor Flight Lands

Units from the Manoa and Bon Air fire companies, an honor guard from American Legion Post Manoa 667, and flag waving supporters greeted the contingent of Vietnam veterans returning this afternoon, Nov. 12, from an overnight trip to the monuments in Washington D.C.

Several veterans were noticeably touched with some saying it was the best greeting they ever received.

The trip was sponsored by History channel and Honor Flight Philadelphia. It was the first event for Honor Flight’s Philadelphia hub which is expected to begin regular trips this spring.

It went smooth with the only hitch being a minor bus breakdown a few blocks from the staging point at Hope Methodist Church, Steel and Eagle roads, Havertown.

History recorded parts of the event in D.C. and will feature it on an upcoming broadcast.

Manoa Post 667, which is adjacent to the church, treated the vets to beer and food after the greeting.

Honor Flight transports veterans to Washington, D.C. to
visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices.
It is free of cost to the veterans. It is normally restricted to World War II and terminally ill veterans.

 Inaugural Honor Flight Lands in Manoa

Honor Flight Philly, History Channel Tribute To Vietnam Vets

Honor Flight Philly, History Channel Tribute To Vietnam VetsHonor Flight Philly, History Channel Tribute To Vietnam Vets — Vietnam veterans gather this morning, Nov. 11, in the parking lot of Hope Methodist Church in Havertown before boarding a bus to Washington D.C. to visit the monuments as part of a special trip organized by Honor Flight Philadelphia and History channel.

The vets got a free breakfast from the McDonalds on Township Line Road and escort by four Haverford Township motorcycle cops.

This is the inaugural trip for Honor Flight Philadelphia which became an Honor Flight in September. Honor Flight transports veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices.

It is free of cost to the veterans. It is normally restricted to World War II and terminally ill veterans.

Honor Flight Philadelphia will be running regular trips starting this spring.

The hub was organized by Andrew Schiavello of Springfield, who is its president.

The Vietnam veterans are returning between 4:30 and 5 p.m., tomorrow, to the church at Steel and Eagle roads. Those wishing to give them a rousing greeting are welcome.

Honor Flight Philly, History Channel Tribute To Vietnam Vets

Honor Flight Comes To Philly

Honor Flight Comes To Philly — The inaugural trip by Honor Flight Philadelphia begins Friday, Nov. 11 and is for Vietnam veterans. It  will be in partnership with History, formerly known as The History Channel.

The bus for Washington D.C. leaves the early morning from the parking lot of Hope Methodist Church, Steel and Eagle roads, Havertown.

There  will be 33 Vietnam veterans and 11 guardians on it. It returns between 4:30 and 5 the next afternoon.

History is planning on featuring the event in a broadcast.

Honor Flight, founded in 2005, transports veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices. It is free of cost to the veterans.

Unless there is a special partner such as History, eligibility is restricted to World War II and terminally ill veterans.

Honor Flight Philadelphia became the organization’s 109th hub in September.


Honor Flight Comes To Philly