Constitutional Convention And Its Dangers Is United4Delco Subject

Constitutional Convention And Its Dangers — The Danger of a Constitutional Convention will be the subject of United4Delco’s meeting 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 6 at Phoenix Bar & Grill, 4936 Pennell Road, Aston.

Speaker is Dave Giordano, field coordinator of The John Birch Society.

Admission is free but participants are asked to order at least $15 of food or drink.

Constitutional Convention And Its Dangers

5 thoughts on “Constitutional Convention And Its Dangers Is United4Delco Subject”

  1. Be very skeptical of the term “Con Con” as there is no mechanism in Article V to remove or replace the existing Constitution, only a process to amend the existing Constitution. In addition, any amendment(s) would still require ratification by 2/3 of the several states.

    1. I stand corrected. It takes 2/3 of Congress (both Houses) to propose amendment(s), or 2/3 of state legislatures to call for a Convention to propose amendment(s).

      To ratify amendment(s) to the Constitution is a higher threshold, 3/4 of the several states are required. No easy feat, just ask the ERA supporters.

      Therefore 33 State Legislatures would be required to call for a Convention to simply propose amendment(s).

      37 or 38 states (depending on how some black robe would interpret 75% of 50 states being 37.5) would be required to pass into law.

    2. There’s no mechanism to stop it either. Learn both sides of this topic and make an informed decision.

  2. An Article V Convention of States is not a Constitutional Convention. There simply is no such thing. See my previous comment for details.

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