Constitutional Convention And Its Dangers — The Danger of a Constitutional Convention will be the subject of United4Delco’s meeting 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 6 at Phoenix Bar & Grill, 4936 Pennell Road, Aston.
Speaker is Dave Giordano, field coordinator of The John Birch Society.
Admission is free but participants are asked to order at least $15 of food or drink.

Be very skeptical of the term “Con Con” as there is no mechanism in Article V to remove or replace the existing Constitution, only a process to amend the existing Constitution. In addition, any amendment(s) would still require ratification by 2/3 of the several states.
I stand corrected. It takes 2/3 of Congress (both Houses) to propose amendment(s), or 2/3 of state legislatures to call for a Convention to propose amendment(s).
To ratify amendment(s) to the Constitution is a higher threshold, 3/4 of the several states are required. No easy feat, just ask the ERA supporters.
Therefore 33 State Legislatures would be required to call for a Convention to simply propose amendment(s).
37 or 38 states (depending on how some black robe would interpret 75% of 50 states being 37.5) would be required to pass into law.
There’s no mechanism to stop it either. Learn both sides of this topic and make an informed decision.
An Article V Convention of States is not a Constitutional Convention. There simply is no such thing. See my previous comment for details.
Be open and attend this education event. Learn both sides of this topic and THEN DECIDE.