Sen. Pat Toomey announced at today’s Delaware Valley Pro-Blue Rally that he will be bringing back the Danny Faulkner Scholarship Act.
With the temperatures in the teens a crowd of almost 200 gathered at Independence Mall this afternoon, Jan. 10, to show unequivocally that blue lives mattered.
The event, the Delaware Valley Pro-Blue Rally, was organized by Independence Hall Foundation and featured an all star lineup of local media and political figures.
“It’s a pretty brisk day in Philadelphia but it’s a good day to stand up for police officers,” said Headliner Sen. Pat Toomey.
Toomey noted that the site, 13th and Locust streets, where Philadelphia Police Officer Danny Faulkner was murdered by hipster celebrity Mumia Abu Jamal was not all that far from where the rally was taking place. He said he will be reintroducing the Danny Faulkner Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act, which will guarantee the maximum in federal Pell Grants to children of police and military personnel who died on duty. The bill had been introduced in 2010 but died in committee.
Toomey also remembered Pennsylvania State Police Cpl. Bryon Dickson, who was murdered in an ambush attack, Sept. 12, by whackjob Eric Frein in Blooming Grove, and State Trooper Alex Douglass, who was wounded in the attack.
He said that people like Frein were part of the madness police have to deal with every day.
“The protestors don’t speak for America,” he said.
Toomey was preceded by Congress Pat Meehan (R-Pa7) who noted that he awoke to read this morning that 2,000 men, women and children were murdered by Boko Haram Muslim extremists in Nigeria.
“I don’t know how many academic professors will be out in protest,” he said.
He noted that three of those killed in Paris terror rampage of the last 48 hours were police officers.
Speakers mercifully kept their remarks short due to the bitter cold.
Long-time Media, Pa. Mayor Bob McMahon read a message in support of police from fellow Democrat Congressman Bob Brady of the First District. Brady, who was scheduled to speak, could not attend due to a bout of the flu.
McMahon, speaking for himself, said with regard to his experiences in Vietnam and elected office is “What I’ve learned is that the most important issue in any city or borough is public safety.”
State Rep. Steve Barrar (R-160) said “We must make sure there is never another rally in which people chant “What do we want? Dead cops!”
Chester County Sheriff Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh noted that no matter what the badge says police work together. She told an anecdote about how a young man had entered a contest to go hunting with the Chester County sheriff not realizing that the Chester County referred to was in South Carolina. She worked with her Southern counterpart, whom she knew, to get the boy his hunting trip.
Philadelphia County Sheriff Jewell Williams said “People should come out to support the men and women in blue.”
WIP commentator and former Philadelphia Eagle Garry Cobb it was his father, who served in the Army, who taught him how to respect men and women in uniform. He noted he learned to play football in the Police Athletic League and a policeman was his first coach of whom he had fond memories.
Filmmaker Tigre Hill said his respect for police began at a young age. “My mother pointed at a policeman and said ‘he is your friend'”
State Rep. Mike Verb (R-150) expressed concern about some of the statements made by public officials regarding law enforcement officers.
“Demand leadership at all levels, not just in the Commonwealth but at the federal level.”
Educator and activist Armond James said many of his students see police as “the enemy.” He said honest conversation is needed. He said cops put their lives on the line everyday.
Rich Davis of West Chester-based American Sheepdogs said “Police officers have our backs and their families have our hearts.”
Homeless advocate and Philadelphia Police Advisory Board member Joe Eastman noted that he never saw an officer who was superman.
“But I have seen hundreds of dedicated men and women who have taken an oath to protect this city.”
He said that police were all that stood before utter chaos.
Businesswoman and commentator Renee Amoore and attorney Matt Rooney, who is founder of, gave rousing statements in appreciation of those in blue, as did Bob Ballentine, secretary for Philadelphia FOP Lodge #5.
Master of ceremonies duties were performed by Teri Adams and WPHT Talk Show Host Dom Giordano, who was instrumental in promoting the event. Ms. Adams also started things with a moving rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.
The invocation was given by Rev. Todd Johnson of First Emmanuel Baptist Church. The ceremony ended with taps by Kevin Gruenfeld.
Montgomery County Sheriff Russell Bono and a Philadelphia councilman whose name we missed attended and were recognized from the podium.
Those interested in making a contribution to the families of slain New York Police officers Wenjian Liue and Rafael Ramos can contribute via PayPal by sending payments to Daily News Charities, account number 9387-575-837, routing number 021-000-322 or sending a check payable to Daily News Charities Inc. to Daily News Charities, Ramos and Liu families, New York Daily News, 4 New York Plaza, New York, NY 10004.
Kudos to Don and Teri Adams and the rest of the Independence Hall Foundation.
For more photos of the event go here.
Danny Faulkner Scholarship Act To Be Introduced Again
Danny Faulkner Scholarship Act To Be Introduced Again
Danny Faulkner Scholarship Act To Be Introduced Again
\Remember it well. I was a resident of DELCO. for 40 yr’s. I made posts of the lyrics on the DVD made in his memory. Being in Florida now when we visit the north Pat’s and Gino’s are on my list Does everone have his DVD? Danny Faulkner.From sunny Florida. Prayer’s for all you northerners no more snow guys.