Delco Feels The Pain As Tax Bills Arrive

Delco Feels The Pain As Tax Bills Arrive— Delaware County, Pa. residents have likely gotten this year’s county tax bill this week.

Those who have been following “student council” that has been governing us were prepared for the pain.

We hope those unaware of this quintet of clowns has been up to are royally P.O.’d and ready to fight this election year.

Well, quartet of clowns maybe as Richard Womack voted against the inflated budget and 23.8 percent tax hike.

Delaware County, your taxes are way up. But your services are way down — count the number of hospitals here compared to six years ago when the Republicans ran things — and life is a lot more expensive.

How is County Council dealing with the problem?

They’ve created a neato budget task force. Rather making the tough calls regarding services and spending, Council is trying to shift blame to a bunch of unpaid volunteers.

People please wake up.

Delco Feels The Pain As Tax Bills Arrive
Here’s the neato pix Delco Council put on its Facebook page of the “budget task force” that doesn’t exist yet.

Delco Feels The Pain As Tax Bills Arrive

8 thoughts on “Delco Feels The Pain As Tax Bills Arrive”

  1. Not to mention these rats will allow you to put off paying your “millage increase” by attaching a lein to your property.

    Taxes are due in full when the house is sold or transferred.

    Mom and dad can’t afford the tax increase. They defer the increase and now have a lein. Mom and dad pass away and leave house to their children. The children can’t afford the back taxes and poof the county steals your property.

    These people really are RATS!

  2. Womack is on the ballot this year. Don’t be fooled into think he cares about any of us. This is smoke and mirrors to keep at least one of the Council seats on the ballot this year.

    But with the cowardly, complicit, compliant squishes in the Delco GOP there will be no real challengers to the status quo and these Marxist Dems will hold power even longer.

  3. And speaking of clowns, when is that clown Frank Agovino going to start attending county council meetings and be the robust opposition leader we need and demand.

    Likely never. He should just resign and let someone capable and willing to “Fight, Fight, Fight” do the job.

    Resign Frank. It’s past time.

  4. One final thought. Most people who escrow (another big scam) their tax money will complain that their “mortgage went up” not realizing it is County Council picking their pockets.

    I lay blame at the educational system. Dismantle the Federal Dept of Ed.

      1. Just calling it as I see it.

        Womack, if he voted on all the boondoggles that led to this fiscal mess irrelevant if he voted down the tax hike. His record speaks for itself. Voters need to understand that.

        As far as GOP opposition there better be a dozen or more candidates fighting for those two council seat nominations this Primary. Anything less than a decisive win in November after back to back tax hikes of 20% from the Marxist Dems and the Delco GOP is all but neutered.

        Socialism, because it’s easy spending others money. This needs to stop. Just stop.

    1. There are no illegal aliens in Delaware County. Delco isn’t a sanctuary county. So says smug Christine Reuther and crew.

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