Delco Is Sanctuary For Illegals; No Longer In Doubt

Delco Is Sanctuary For Illegals; No Longer In Doubt — The looming 23.8 percent tax hike was the big story from last night’s, Dec. 4, meeting of Delaware County (Pa.) Council but all doubt ended that the place had become a sanctuary for illegals.

Council members led by Christine Reuther have been shrilly denying the claim as recently as October.

Last night, however, Tom Flocco of Media forced Council to the reality that Chester was used as a major human trafficking hub.

Further, Mia Tiernan DeJohn of Springfield described how an car driven by an illegal struck her vehicle and escaped all charges.

Ms. DeJohn said she emailed all County Council members requesting the dockets showing the prosecutions of illegals. The only response she got, she said, was from Ms. Reuther who said she just wasn’t going to get them.

Ms. DeJohn’s story mirrors that of Sharon Devaney who has been speaking at Council meetings about what happened to her in 2017.

Like Ms. DeJohn, Ms. Devaney testimony was dismissed by councilmembers, namely Ms. Reuther. Ms. Devaney suffered permanent injuries from her accident, unlike Ms. deJohn.

Ms. Devaney also spoke last night. See her at the 3:15:09 mark. She said that since she made illegals in Delco a cause she has had her cell phone tampered and car tracked.

Ms. Devaney praised Councilman Richard R. Womack for showing empathy, and asked that partisanship be put aside in solving the county’s problems.

She said the county Republicans gave only lukewarm support to its congressional candidate Alfe Goodwin because she showed independence.

A Broomall woman also described her journey from Democrat to Republican to “Uniparty” skeptic. She said that taxes are killing them and that the schools are leading the young to a very dark place. She asked that the Nativity scene be returned to the Rose Tree Park Christmas display.

Kaylee, a young woman from Newtown Square, also asked that the traditional Nativity scene be returned to Rose Tree Park. She sang a short, beautiful Christmas hymn.

Delco Is Sanctuary For Illegals; No Longer In Doubt

2 thoughts on “Delco Is Sanctuary For Illegals; No Longer In Doubt”

  1. What could be done to restore the Menorrah and Nativity Scene to the Park during this holiday seeason? Last year at the grand opening of the Holiday Lightigng, Monica Taylor told me that the Council decided not to put it up. I regret that I did not pursue it but need to now. Thank you to those who brought it up.

    1. Maybe we just need to go put one up ourselves. We, the taxpayers of Delaware County do own that park.

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