Freedom Links For 2025
By Bob Small
Part of the program for the 33rd Annual Bill of Rights Banquet had an additional resource page. Below are links from this page, with brief explanations.
Before we start, a quote from Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) who, in a recent interview said “And I think that we’ve now learned that we have to build our own infrastructure” (Thanks to Dom Giordano for mentioning this.)
So what are CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, and many more.? Are they right wing? Hardly. Why can’t the Democrats admit Trump was a better candidate than Biden/Harris? Then they would have to re-examine their whole process and structure. Better not to change.
Patriot.Online is the creation of Gregory Stenstrom , co-author of The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deceptionwhich should be required reading for anyone curious about the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. He also has writings about “The Council” among other topics. An xmail is requested for Patriot online.
The next link on the page was unfamiliar to many of us is Free Roger Ver Campaign | #FreeRoger
Roger Var is the author of Hijacking Bitcoin: The Hidden History of BTC – Uncover the . and a voice for the transformative power of Bitcoin. His various incarcerations, in both Spain and the US are various shades of questionable.
We now move to Garrett Ziegler, known for Marco Polo | Substack which describes itself as “The opposition research group for the American People”. He is better known for being sued by Hunter Biden in the matter of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop. See also Hunter Biden sues former Trump White House aide over and ‘You Nazi piece of s—‘: Hunter Biden’s wife confronts …
Now, before Hunter Biden, there was Billy Carter, who was not pardoned from a year in jail by his brother Jimmy.
Wonder if Brian Schatz (see above) has followed the Hunter Biden saga? Just asking.

Freedom Links For 2025