Hawaiian Governor Birth Certificate Pledge — The “birther” movement begun by prominent Montgomery County, Pa. Democrat Philip J. Berg is back thanks to another Democrat, Hawaiian Gov.-Elect Neil Abercrombie.
Berg, who had served eight years as Pennsylvania’s deputy attorney general, filed suit in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 2008 claiming that Barack Obama was ineligible to be president because he was born on foreign soil to a foreign parent hence violating the Constitution’s natural born citizen requirement.
Berg was a Hillary Clinton supporter.
Berg’s suit was dismissed in October 2008 by Judge R. Barclay Surrick and rejected by the Supreme Court two months later.
Berg, however, did not go away and the unwillingness by Obama to release documents that would quickly and conclusively put the matter to rest soon started other Americans going hmmmm.
By August 2010, according to a CNN poll, only 42 percent of Americans believe for certain Obama is eligible for the job.
Granted another 29 percent believe he probably is so it hasn’t reached the point of a complete collapse of confidence in government.
Still a wise leader would end the matter as fast as possible and that’s what Abercrombie said he wants to do .
Of course, state law would appear to prevent him from doing so without President Obama’s permission so unless that is obtained a whole lot more people will start going hmmmmmm.
Obama may be the least vetted man to ever hold the office.
Kyle-Anne Shiver of Pajamas Media has published this list of documents that Obama has refused to make public that a man running for the presidency of the United States would be expected to.
1. 1961 long-form, original, signed birth certificate
2. Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barack Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) — not found, not released
3. Obama’s baptism records — sealed
4. Obama’s adoption records — sealed
5. Records of Obama’s and his mother’s repatriation as U.S. citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
6. Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
7. Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) — not released
8. Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
9. Occidental College financial aid records — not released.
10. Columbia College records — not released
11. Columbia senior thesis — not released
12. Harvard Law School records — not released
13. Obama’s law client list — sealed
14. Obama’s files from career as an Illinois state senator — sealed
15. Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
16. Obama’s medical records — not released
17. Obama’s passport records — not released
For some irony, Obama’s path to the U.S. Senate was cleared when records pertaining to the divorce of Jack Ryan were ordered unsealed against Ryan’s wishes. The information in them created a scandal which forced Ryan from the race.
For Delaware County residents, R. Barclay Surrick is a former county Common Pleas Court judge and the estranged brother of Pennsylvania judicial reformer Bob Surrick .