Jim Allen Dismisses Poll Pad Shutdown Process
By Sharon Devaney
Jim Allen, the director of elections for Delaware County, Pa., finally sent me a response to my report about issues with Poll Pads in Haverford Township.
I am the minority inspector in 6-2 in Haverford Township. At the end of the night the poll pads in 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4 did not shut down.
I called for help . I was screamed at by a individual who proceeded to tell me to put the poll pads back into the case with the three poll pads not being shut down properly.
Four us poll workers listened to the rant and had been trying to shut down the devices for near a half hour.
Allen’s response received, Dec. 20, was long. It was practically an essay. He said there were no risk in having the devices stay on unlike what it said in the election manual. He said the integrity of the elections was not in danger.
“We have done more thorough testing of equipment and of poll workers to prevent problems on Election Day,” he said.
I won’t address election integrity issues here but one of the things we poll workers are tested on is how to put away Poll Pads.
What happened was not how we were trained.
Poll workers arrive at their precinct at 6 a.m., an hour before polls open, to set up. Polls close at 8 p.m., or 14 hours after we arrive. We then have to take things down. It used to take us less than an hour. On Nov. 5, we didn’t get out until after 9:30, a nice chunk of which involved trying to shut down your new toys.
As we were trained and tested.
You aren’t making things better Jim.
By the way, you also said “I was not able to verify the call that you described” concerning the rant by the person who we were seeking help from.
That’s troubling. Whoever it was should not be working elections.
Oh, and a couple of printers broke down in the ward. We don’t want to forget that.
If it looks, acts and talks like a rat from Chicago…
This shows why people don’t want to work elections. Thanks for your election work. Sharon..