Mondelez, the Illinois food giant that was spun off of Kraft Foods Inc. in 2012 shut its bakery at Roosevelt Boulevard and Byberry Road last week reported today’s (July 1) Philadelphia Inquirer.
So 350 workers union workers are out of work along with the hundreds of drivers who shipped its products under the Nabisco, Standard Brands and Kraft corporate labels.
The suspicion is that the products will now be made at a government-subsidized, largely-automated, multimillion-dollar facility in Monterey, Mexico, where the pay is not $24 per hour and benefits.
Wonder when the union rank and file is going to wake up to the reality that the money automatically deducted from their paychecks is used to lobby for causes that are anything but in their interests.
Wonder when it is is going to dawn on them that the most successful political organizations are those whose officers are paid with dues collected voluntarily and not automatically.
Wonder when it’s going to dawn on them that the power to withhold a contribution is a pretty strong bargaining chip.