Royce White Sums It Up As Globalists Vs Nationalists

Royce White Sums It Up as Globalists Vs Nationalists in a brilliant open letter in response to Joe Biden’s hateful “Soul of a Nation” speech he made Sept. 1 in Philadelphia.

Here’s the start of it:

Dear Joe,

My name is Royce White. I’m an American citizen, born and raised in the 32nd state of the union. I’m a Christian, I am a Black man and yes I am a MAGA Republican. Although given the current state of politics, it may not be fair to call us Republicans at all. There are no Democrats or Republicans anymore, Only Globalists and Nationalists. On this day I feel more concerned than ever about the future of this country. Yet for many reasons I feel equally blessed. I don’t believe I could’ve been born or lived in a more fitting time for the way God built me. All the forces of evil, all the spirit of corruption, has coalesced into a megalithic wrecking ball with spikes and an AI guidance system. This evil, this corruption infects all our institutions, starting with the church and then the academies, and our politics downstream from such moral hazard. It has left blood across the entire breadth of our society. While such an outlook is certainly grim, still it provides the circumstance for men with sacred honor and national honor, to stand in testimony of the truth. To bear witness under one of the greatest incentives to remain silent. That incentive isn’t the barrel of a gun or the blade of a knife, but the threat of a government that doubles and triples down on lies. This is where I find myself right at home, at peace and in my natural way. This is the greatest honor I could hope for. The fact that the highest office of the land is entrenched in this set of lies, is just a bonus. Not only do I get to bear witness, but the stakes couldn’t get any higher. You have betrayed the office you currently hold, you have betrayed the oath you took, you have betrayed the American people. You have betrayed America herself. You are not the President of the United States, but a traitor to the republic. Now on national television, under a beautiful night’s sky made to look especially ominous by a dramatic backdrop of red lights, you double down on this treachery and tell the American people that MAGA republicans are domestic terrorists. Artifice!

I write this with the full understanding, that given your speech last night, this letter may in fact land me in the crosshairs of the next DOJ witch-hunt. I go forward anyway because the surrendering of our right and need to speak the truth, is the very point where America ceases to be what it was designed to be. Although I find your speech last night to be dishonest in the most absolute way imaginable, and therefore completely illegitimate, I still feel a sense of obligation to go on the record and reflect a more genuine perspective from someone on our side. Our side being the side of America, not the fictitious MAGA boogeyman you portrayed us as last night. 

We are not fascists. We are not terrorists or extremists. We believe in God, family and country. You and your globalist puppeteers don’t believe in God or family, so it’s easy to understand why you don’t believe in having a country. We believe in having a country. We believe in having a nation. That does not make us fascists… In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The nation-state provides an essential identity, which legitimizes our citizenship and thus substantiates our individual rights. These rights are guaranteed by the constitution. They were not given to us by the government. They were gifted to us by the creator. Of which the constitution simply guarantees said rights, while also enshrining the creator as the soul source of them. Albeit, American freedom and God are inextricably linked. Not that people aren’t free to not believe in God or even hate God, but the backbone of American freedom is God. Surely someone in an office such as that of President must understand that. So the christofascism claim constantly made by the liberal establishment and it’s zealots is a nonstarter.

And you can read the rest here:

Royce White Sums It Up As Globalists Vs Nationalists
Royce White Sums It Up As Globalists Vs Nationalists

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