Satan In Pennsylvania 5th District
You hear it every four years: “This upcoming election is the most important one of our lives!” But what we’re going to face this November isn’t an election—it’s another epic battle in an ongoing fight to preserve our God-given rights, our freedoms, and everything else that makes America great.
War is being waged against the nation. But not by an enemy territory. The horrifying reality is that this attempted destruction of life as we know it is coming from our own elected officials. Their intent is to ruin this nation from the inside out. We have never seen anything like the past five months of oppression. Personally, I did not even know it was possible for legislature to impose these types of restrictions anywhere, let alone in a first-world country in the 21st century. If you’re alarmed by what you’re experiencing, good. It means you’re paying attention. Now pay attention on Nov. 3. People are focused on Trump and Biden, and anyone who knows me knows that there is nothing I could ever want more than for Trump and Pence to win a second term. But what many don’t realize is that your local candidates in your congressional, senatorial, and state representative districts have much more to do with your personal lives than the president. These are the people speaking for you and making decisions for you. You need to find out who they are and what they stand for.
If you’re still not convinced that the liberal agenda is being foisted upon unsuspecting members of society, or you believe it can’t affect you directly, check out one of the latest and particularly disturbing brainchildren currently being birthed by members of the Left. A Satanic temple is coming to Marple. This is not a joke. I wish it were. I brought this to our fifth district congressional candidate, Dasha Pruett’s attention a couple days ago and I know you will find it as unsettling as both she and I did. Fifth district residents, this specifically impacts YOU, and you know the incumbent, Mary Gay Scanlon, is not going to lift a finger to put a stop to it. According to a Patch article I came across giving the details of this project, it states that DelCo residents “shouldn’t be alarmed” and that the focus is an “altruistic, charitable” mission. A man named Joseph Rose, who founded Satanic DelCo back in February, is proposing its development. Yes, there actually is an organization called Satanic DelCo, and if you’re a Delaware County resident who didn’t know about this, I am truly sorry to be the one to inform you.
None of this makes any sense at all. Explain to me how a person can perform acts of altruism or charity in the name of Satan. And if a person truly is interested in giving back to their community, why would they even consider seeking an opportunity to do so from a Satanic temple? Why not a food pantry, an animal shelter, or a crisis pregnancy center? Something is off about this.
This is the kind of lunacy being promoted, and our job for the next three and a half months is to unify against it. It is no longer Republicans against Democrats. It’s logic and reason against senselessness. It’s people who care about the community around them against people who want to serve themselves at the expense of others.
Democrats, I’d like to address you directly here. Seeing as Dasha will need at least some of you currently living in her district to vote for her in order to unseat Mary Gay Scanlon, I’d like to take a minute to reach out to you and ask you to consider something: What if there had never been any such thing as political party? I know it sounds absurd; bear with me for one minute. What if political candidates ran with no label attached? Imagine that there are no such things as Democrats and Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party, or even Independents. I know there’s no way this could be a reality, but if none of us had the option of voting based on party, on a certain set of values put in place by an establishment, you wouldn’t be able to fill in a bubble on a ballot and just assume that candidate holds the same beliefs as you based on the letter next to the person’s name. People are drawn to what is familiar to them, to whatever reflects aspects of themselves. It’s instinctual. Of course you vote for your party’s candidates, that’s who you identify with. But if neither you nor the candidates belonged to any party, you wouldn’t automatically agree with any of them. You’d have to first examine the ideas each candidate is espousing in order to determine who aligns with you. You would have to pay close attention to see which candidate’s platform sounds most likely to benefit their constituency—which includes YOU.
If there were no such thing as party affiliation, and you heard some of the candidates saying it would be a good idea to defund or even abolish police, kill full-term fetuses, release prisoners convicted of sexual offenses and other violent crimes under the guise of preventing them from catching a virus, allow men into women’s restrooms and boys on girls’ sports teams, delete the past two hundred forty-four years of history…you wouldn’t think this person was fit to function in society, let alone hold public office. Some of them even feel the American flag is a hate symbol, and now a Satanic temple is coming to YOUR county…claiming to be doing acts of goodwill and kindness? Few people, when thinking critically, would vote for individuals championing these philosophies. And yet, this is the modern-day Democratic platform. The fact that these principles are attached to a major political party is the only thing legitimizing the irrationality.
So yes, fifth district Democrats, I am specifically asking you to vote for a Republican candidate. Again, imagine that Dasha does not belong to any political party, and neither do you. Let’s just look at her as an individual. As somebody who actually knows her, I can vouch that you’d be hard pressed to find anyone more personally invested in their congressional race. She’snot your average political candidate. She’s not a politician at all. She’s someone who already suffered through communism in the USSR and has taken it upon herself to prevent that type of government system from being instated here. It’s an interesting coincidence—or maybe it isn’t a coincidence at all—that certain events occurred simultaneously with Dasha’s campaign. She knew there were people running on a socialist platform, sure. Bernie Sanders. AOC. But neither she nor anyone else would have predicted that we’d be seeing the very aspects of socialism she has given warnings about, such as government overreach, civil unrest, removal of rights, and erasure of history, begin unfolding just a month after she filed. It’s terrifying, but will ultimately work in her favor—due to the current state of affairs, it could not be more self-evident how badly we need a person with her unique background and perspective in the House of Representatives. So in November, let’s not think about party at all. Let’s instead support and vote for individual candidates who advocate for law and order, rights and freedoms, common sense, empathy, and most importantly, love.
Ed. Note: Yes, Satanic DelCo is real and attributes to itself sweet-sounding values like: One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. Why not just call itself Christian? Because Satan is a liar and SatanicDelco isn’t interested in acting with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason. Satan is Hebrew for “One who plots against another.” Look at the roots and understanding will be found. Any group that names itself for Satan is by definition untrustworthy. The only way to make sense of what goes on in the world is to look at the Cross. It’s put high on our churches and worn around necks and is truly a sign of compassion and empathy. Why is that? It certainly wasn’t meant to be. It’s a horrific instrument of torture. It was the most evil thing ever built by man. You can say it was inspired by Satan. Now, though, it merely mocks him and reveals him as the loser he is. Satan isn’t to be feared. Be bold in calling out his lies and telling the truth.
Thank you Olivia! I got a good chuckle from this one, and it helps get our name out there a bit more. If I had to be critical though, it does seem as though your reading comprehension is a bit lacking. Perhaps take another look at the original Patch article, as some of your facts are very off.
Way off
Thank you so much for spreading the word about Satanic Delco! They say, “Any publicity is good publicity.” However, you might want to do some research to see what The Satanic Temple, and therefore Satanic DelCo, actually is and what we stand for. Your opinion of us is a far cry from what we actually are. But thank you again for the name drop! Have a great day.
It’s like calling yourself NaziDelco and saying you oppose racism and anti-semitism. You’d really expect anyone to buy it? You label yourself a liar don’t expect people to believe what you say.
Almost like calling yourself a good Christian while supporting a religion that rapes children and then covers up the crimes to protect the people who rape the children. That would never happen, right?
Also Satan isn’t real. You’re free to believe in Satan, Santa Claus, and every other supernatural being out there, but we just don’t.
So you are doing this as one big goof to upset people. I kinda suspected as much. Except many of us think Satan is very real. Evil certainly is. Raping children certainly is. What does Jesus say about it?
I absolutely never said anything at all about “one big goof”. What the hell is happening with the reading comprehension on the folks over here?
Nothing about us or what we do or believe is a goof. If you want to know what The Satanic Temple is all about, we can talk about it, but I don’t get the feeling that you’re open to any actual facts at all, considering the whole supernatural bit.
What does Jesus say about what? Raping children? I’m not sure, but whatever it is, lots of Christians have the idea that they should go ahead and do it, and lots of other Christians think they should help cover it up.
Is there anything factual about us that you are against, or is it entirely a fear of the S-word?
You said Satan isn’t real. Why would you call yourself “Satanic Delco” if it isn’t a goof. Why would you name yourself after something that represents evil and claim you are doing good?
Again, because Satan is A SYMBOL of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds. Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer – the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical impositions. Our METAPHORIC representation is the literary Satan best exemplified by Milton and the Romantic Satanists from Blake to Shelley to Anatole France.
The eternal rebel? Like Jefferson Davis?
No. Not sure why you’d think of him, but no.
Different people might have different ideas as to why you label yourself as such so I’ll ask. Your answer was that he was the eternal rebel — albeit you seem confused when I pointed out that the eternal rebel is really Jefferson Davis — and that Satan wasn’t a freedom fighter but a wannabe tyrant, a little like Davis if you think about it.
Call yourself what you want but expect others to call you out for being childish and self-indulgent — and kind of silly.
“Why would you name yourself after something that represents evil and claim you are doing good?”
I grew up Jewish. In Judaism, Jesus was not the son of god, he was a false messiah. Some might say Jesus was evil for blaspheming and lying… and received a just punishment for his crimes, like you would consider your book’s Satan being justly punished. So… why do you call yourself Christians? Are you intentionally trying to offend Jews by using the name of a charlatan? The whole premise of your religion is a lie based on willfully trying to mock Judaism. Christians started an organization, and named it for what society recognized as the epitome of lying and blaspheming. You are doing it solely to upset and mock people. What exactly is there to admire or praise about Christianity.
Does that argument sound fair? Because it’s exactly how you sounds talking about Satanism.
If I was saying Satan was something he’s not that might be a fair comparison. What exactly are you saying Satan is? Joseph doesn’t even believe he exists.
The other rebuttal to your point is that we aren’t trying to offend anyone by calling ourselves Christians. I mean we believe Jesus is the Christ. Maybe some might find this offensive but it’s not meant to be.
Jesus taught Love God. Love your neighbor. Love yourself. Do unto others as you’d have them do to you. Those are good things. Are you saying they are not? Those who hate Jesus would have to say those are not good things.
What does Satan teach? According to the traditions in the Old and New Testaments it is the exact opposite of what God desires. What does God desire? That we do what Jesus taught. You can say others taught what Jesus taught too. Great. That’s what God desires.
OTOH, there are obviously those who don’t do what Jesus taught and encourage others not to do what Jesus taught. Why is this? We hold the inspiration for this is an entity called Satan. Obviously, this makes Satan the source of evil. Why label yourself with his name?
You keep asking the question “Why label yourself with his name?” when you’ve already been given the answer.
You’ve already decided that perspectives other than your own are not correct or valid. When we give you our truth, you just say we’re lying and try to poke holes in it. It is your choice to not understand, because you like to feel superior.
4 simple questions/answers from The Satanic Temple:
No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.
No. The Satanic Temple holds to the basic premise that undue suffering is bad, and that which reduces suffering is good. We do not believe in symbolic “evil.” We acknowledge blasphemy is a legitimate expression of personal independence from counter-productive traditional norms.
Satan is a symbol of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds. Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer – the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical impositions. Our metaphoric representation is the literary Satan best exemplified by Milton and the Romantic Satanists from Blake to Shelley to Anatole France.
The idea that religion belongs to supernaturalists is ignorant, backward, and offensive. The metaphorical Satanic construct is no more arbitrary to us than are the deeply held beliefs that we actively advocate. Are we supposed to believe that those who pledge submission to an ethereal supernatural deity hold to their values more deeply than we? Are we supposed to concede that only the superstitious are rightful recipients of religious exemption and privilege? Satanism provides all that a religion should be without a compulsory attachment to untenable items of faith-based belief. It provides a narrative structure by which we contextualize our lives and works. It also provides a body of symbolism and religious practice — a sense of identity, culture, community, and shared values.
Yes, Joseph, and myself, do not believe a “literal” Satan exists. As has been explained over and over, Satan is a symbol representing the ultimate rebel against oppressive authority, embracing rational inquiry, and promoting personal freedom. That is what we are saying Satan is.
“Maybe some might find this offensive but it’s not meant to be.” – That is the exact argument Satanists make. Why won’t you apply the same logic? We are specifically telling you what Satan is, and you dismiss it saying we must adhere to your interpretation.
Satanists don’t “hate Jesus” – in fact, many support a good amount of the words attributed to him. Satanists just don’t believe Jesus was a messiah or had anything to do with a god they also don’t believe in (or some don’t believe Jesus existed at all). Satanists hate people who use Jesus as an excuse to cause suffering and oppression unto others.
What does Satan teach? Well, as already stated, Satanists don’t believe in Satan and therefore he doesn’t teach anything. Once more, he is a symbol, and humans create the morals he represents – the Seven Tenets already described to you in previous comments. They sound an awful lot like love your neighbor, love yourself, and do unto others… wouldn’t you say? So if your god desires people to do as Jesus taught, and Satanists are doing it but in the name of (a fictional) Satan, shouldn’t you be happy? What is the problem? Is it the lack of discrimination and bigotry you disapprove of?
The Quran outright denies the divinity of Jesus and claims he was never crucified. So therefore you are 100% wrong in your beliefs of Jesus, right? You must accept the Quran’s interpretation, right? Or does a holy book of a religion you do not practice not bear any weight on your own belief? Yeah, same with Satanists. It doesn’t matter what the Bible says about a Satan we do not believe in – you can’t force your “the Bible says” interpretation onto us, we reject it and expressly tell you what we believe, you just refuse to listen. Start taking responsibility for your own actions, stop blaming some evil entity for all your issues.
We all know which church has the blood on their hands. It’s Christianity. The crusades, the witch trials, the inquisition. The list goes on and on. Perhaps should look at yourselves before judging a group you know nothing about. Have a blessed day. Hail Satan.
Seriously? So wars and oppression started with Christianity? You’ve been hanging out with the Satanists too much. War, murder, oppression and general cruelty have always been with us. Why is that? Moloch demanded child sacrifice. How do you feel about abortion?
What experience do you actually have with “the Satanists”? You obviously have no idea what we are, and you have no desire to know. You’d rather be right than be educated.
–You’d rather be right than be educated.–
Think about what you just said there.
Yes, I thought about it. You’d rather THINK that you are right, rather than be actually educated about the truth.
Good, you’ve thought about it and corrected it. You have educated me. You started an organization, and named it for what our society recognizes as the epitome of evil. You then implied you don’t even believe in what you’ve named yourself. You are doing it solely to upset and mock people. What exactly is there to admire or praise?
We’re not here for admiration or praise. We leave worship to you guys.
But sure, I do think our values are admirable. The 7 Tenets are what we believe in:
I. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
II. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
III. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
IV. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.
V. Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.
VI. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
VII. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
I think if you really had those values you wouldn’t call yourself Satanic Delco and you may have the freedom to offend but only jerks go out of their way to do it.
I think if you really had those values you wouldn’t call yourself Satanic Delco and you may have the freedom to offend but only jerks go out of their way to do it.
We really have those values. And we call ourselves Satanic Delco because we’re members of The Satanic Temple, from Delco. See how logical that is?
And no one said a word about going out of our way to offend anyone. We’re offended by much of what Christians do (like the whole child rape thing, among many others). Have you gone out of your way to offend us, or did it just happen that way? People can be offended by something without that being the primary goal of the offender. Life is far more nuanced than you seem to understand.
And the Satanic Temple is name for what our culture considers the father of lies so forgive us if we don’t really believe you have the values you claim.
Unlike you, we don’t run on blind faith. The record of The Satanic Temples charitable and political activism is out there for anyone who wants to see it. Primary among TST’s battles have been for the separation of church and state, but there are many on the national level, as well as the local level, all across the country.
What you WON’T find in the news, are members of The Satanic Temple raping children, or the organization covering up any crimes.
Umm, Satan means “the adversary.”
Not saying that’s wrong but it is incomplete.
Satan (n.)
proper name of the supreme evil spirit in Christianity, Old English Satan, from Late Latin Satan (in Vulgate in Old Testament only), from Greek Satanas, from Hebrew satan “adversary, one who plots against another,” from satan “to show enmity to, oppose, plot against,” from root s-t-n “one who opposes, obstructs, or acts as an adversary.”
In Septuagint (Greek) usually translated as diabolos “slanderer,” literally “one who throws (something) across” the path of another (see devil (n.)), though epiboulos “plotter” is used once.
So what do you believe your promoted candidate for Congress would do concretely about the Satanic Delco group? Are you saying she is in favor of abolishing freedom of religion?
It’s more about freedom of speech. Which candidates will reject Satan’s endorsement?
If it’s about freedom of speech, why does Olivia seem to want to have Satanists kept out? Is it your view that those of another religion should have their freedom of speech infringed upon? Should we not be allowed to gather and speak in any community we want?
Are you saying she doesn’t have the right to say she wants the Satanist kept out? How about those who want the Nazis banned? The Klan?
Me, I think the Nazis, Klan and Satanists should be allowed to gather and speak, and the rest of us are obliged to condemn and expose them.
Calling evil good is something that is evil.
One of your primary mistakes is the way you categorize things to suit your false narrative.
Nazis and the Klan can be lumped together as hate groups.
Satanists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists can be lumped together as religions.
As for “evil”, The Satanic Temple holds to the basic premise that undue suffering is bad, and that which reduces suffering is good. We do not believe in symbolic “evil.” We acknowledge blasphemy is a legitimate expression of personal independence from counter-productive traditional norms.
At no time do we condone evil. We believe that one should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
Your primary mistake is denying a synonym for evil is evil.
And, if you are doing it as a goof it is not a religion.
It’s already been made perfectly clear that nothing about what we do is a goof, and it’s already been made clear that we don’t participate in or condone evil. If you want to respond to facts with “nuh uh, yer lying” go ahead. But if you want to educate yourself, take the blinders off. No one is asking you to be a Satanist (or a Muslim, or a Buddhist), but that’s no reason to be ignorant to the truth.
When someone comes at you with some off base ridiculous claim about your religion or political viewpoint, it probably lands the same way that your nonsense lands with us.
In case you haven’t gotten it yet, Satan is a symbol for us. A metaphor, based not on your biblical character, but rather the Satan of the romantic era.
Satan is a symbol of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds. Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer – the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical impositions. Our metaphoric representation is the literary Satan best exemplified by Milton and the Romantic Satanists from Blake to Shelley to Anatole France.
And that’s another thing. You don’t understand the story upon which think your philosophy is based. Satan is not the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority. He was not being pushed around by God. Satan wanted to be the boss. He is the ultimate symbol of tyranny.
You want to claim otherwise, understand that you are basing it on arbitrary whimsy. There is nothing in our culture or tradition that says he was being oppressed in Heaven.
Which story? Let me guess, you are referring to the Bible? I’ve already explained the version of the character that served for the metaphorical inspiration, and it isn’t the bible. If you want to say our version of Satan is based on “arbitrary whimsy”, that’s fine. But it still isn’t based on the Satan you know, from the book you know.
This is akin to being upset that Michael Corleone from The Godfather isn’t more like Michael Scott from the Office. Not the same story, man.
Which story? LOL. You tell me. What exactly is the source for Satan and the Fall if not the Bible? If you don’t want to believe the Bible fine, but don’t tell me your version of Satan being some kind of noble rebel isn’t a whimsical and arbitrary twisting of what is found in it.
If it helps you to feel that it’s arbitrary, by all means. It isn’t true, but sure.
What’s important to know, is that it isn’t the Satan from your book. We simply don’t believe in your book, and we don’t believe in the existence of Satan. You understand that people have different beliefs right? And those beliefs are just as valid as your own.
You telling me what I believe is as silly as me telling you what you believe. The difference is, we don’t try to run you out of town because we disagree.
What I’m telling you is that what you believe is arbitrary and whimsical. The Bible is tradition and history, you don’t want to believe it, again, fine but 4,000 year old writings are not arbitrary and certainly not whimsical. Now a response to those writings whose sole inspiration is that the one making them just doesn’t like them, is arbitrary and whimsical.
Call it what you want, but your people rape children, and support covering up those terrible crimes. You should be ashamed.
All of your focus on finding evil outside of yourselves is just an attempt at distracting from that.
My people? Wolves in sheep’s clothing are following your guy. What did Jesus say about abusing children?
Regarding looking for the evil inside yourself, that’s a rather Christian concept. You practice that?
What did Jesus say? I’m not sure, since neither of us were there and there’s no direct record of it. The bible says all kinds of things though.
Leviticus 25:44-45
And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have — from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves. Moreover you may buy the children of the strangers who dwell among you, and their families who are with you, which they beget in your land; and they shall become your property.
Matthew 18:6
but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Proverbs 13:24
He who withholds his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.
Isaiah 13:9–16
See, the day of the Lord is coming — a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated.
Numbers 31:17-18
Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.
Ephesians 6:5
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.
Genesis 19:8
See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof.
Things were pretty rough back in the day weren’t they. Almost makes you want to send a flood and start over. But yes bad things happened then and bad things are going to happen today.
And why would you leave out context to make something sound vile? OTOH, that’s what Satanists do, right? Consider Ephesians 6 with the relevant parts included:
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.
The other NT verse you cited, Matthew 18:6, is obviously one that applies. A cleric who molests kids obviously is not someone who takes Jesus very seriously.
I know you aren’t comparing Satanist to Nazis? Clearly you have a reading comprehension issue.
The tenants promote nothing of the sort! In fact, JUST THE OPPOSITE.
I’d add that nazis are more in line with the jargon and vitriol that comes out of the Presidents mouth towards minorities especially.
So, maybe reread the tenants and don’t spin them to suit your narrative of what you think the Satanic Temple of DelCo promotes.
I’d say the Nazis were pretty Satanic.
Matter has been pretty much talked out so we are closing comments.
For me, one of the most egregious inaccuracies in this article is the claim that the Satanic Temple is “being birthed by members of the left”. From the beginning, the group has had members of all political persuasions, but with a general mistrust of politicians, especially those who seek to limit the freedoms of people with different points of view.
That’s far too nuanced for these people. They only know Red Team and Blue Team. At no point did the terrible author of this article do ANY research whatsoever on the political leanings of any of us, or anything else.
Joseph, you have violated your own tenet:
IV. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.
So your freedom to offend the author is lost. Shut up and join your leader, Satan, in hell.
How was it violated?
And we don’t believe in banishment to an imaginary place as punishment. Also, we have no leader.
You’re so used to being a follower that you assume others are trapped in the same mindset. We are not.
The use of the word “Satan” is a deliberately provocative term. It’s best to ignore these people, whoever they are. It just gives them publicity which they obviously crave (as can be noted in the comments). If you can, I would remove this from your normally informative blogs.
Joanne: “It’s best to ignore these people… I think I’m going to type a response to the article!”