William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-18-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-18-15

Latitude 86.71 Longitude 61.29 is where one is closest to the center of the Earth. It’s in the Arctic Ocean. Where one is farthest from the center is on Mount Huascaran in Peru — not Mount The Earth is not a perfect sphere.

Pennsylvania Primary Election 2015

Tomorrow, May 19, is Primary Election Day for 2015 which will determine who will be the party nominees for the general election  on Nov. 3 for the judicial and municipal offices which include school boards and county offices.  Pennsylvania Primary Election 2015

It’s a low turnout race so one’s vote is very important.

We are generally going to go with the Republican Party recommendations albeit we are going to pick state Montour County District Attorney Rebecca Warren, for state Supreme Court in lieu of one of the endorsed candidates who are Adams County Common Pleas Court Judge Mike George, Commonwealth Court Judge Anne Covey of Bucks County, and Superior Court candidate Judy Olson of Pittsburgh. All are good choices, however, as is Superior Court Judge Cheryl Allen of Pittsburgh. Judge Allen is black, for those whose priority is diversity.

We encourage all Penn Delco residents to vote for Lisa Esler for school board and that all Montgomery County residents hit the button for Joe Gale for Montgomery County Commissioner. Fresh blood is definitely needed in that once Republican stronghold.

Pennsylvania Primary Election 2015