Switchblades Legal In Tennessee

Switchblades Legal In Tennessee

A law making switchblade knives legal took effect in Tennessee, yesterday, July 1.

When you’re a Jet, you’re a Jet.

Seriously, beyond playing pretend that one is in West Side Story, there are many times one would find it handy to have knife that can be opened automatically with one hand.

Switchblades, it should be noted, were originally marketed in this country to  farmers, hunters and even women who were told to keep one in the sewing kit.

There is nothing inherently evil about a switchblade knife. All states should repeal the stupid garbage passed during the 1950s juvenile delinquent scare.


Switchblades Legal In Tennessee

Infrared Smart Phone

Smart phones can browse the web and carry thousands of songs but what has always been missing is the ability to take a thermal image of your roof.

Well, wait no more. Popular Mechanics reports that a new attachment by FLIR Systems can do just that.

The FLIR ONE  cost just $350 and attaches to an iPhone or Android, according to PM.

Why would anyone need to thermal image something? PM points out that they can not only find poorly insulated parts of a home but hidden wasp nests, tire leaks, and take body temperature at a distance.

Also they are great for bird watching, PM says.

Flir One Infrared Smart Phones

The FLIR ONE infrared smart phone in action.

Aqua Quest Crew Freed, Thank You Congressman Fitzpatrick

Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick Aqua Quest Crew FreedCongressman Mike Fitzpatrick who deserves kudos for getting the Auqa Quest crew freed.


An Aqua Quest crew that had been jailed for two months in Honduras is coming home and a Pennsylvania congressman is instrumental in getting them released.

Aqua Quest is a salvage company based in Tarpon Springs, Fla. Their vessel was in Honduras to remove mahogany logs when police boarded it and found an AK-47, two handguns and two shotguns.

The crew’s captain, Robert Mayne, had encountered bandits on previous trips and felt the weapons were needed for protection.

The crew was arrested on the grounds they did not have a permit to carry weapons and one of the ones they carried was prohibited.

One of the crew members was Devon Butler, whose mother Rosemary Carroll lives in Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional district which is represented by Republican Mike Fitzpatrick.

Mrs. Carroll contacted Fitzpatrick and he and his staff went to work.

The work paid off last week. Fitzpatrick spent June 22 through June 24 in that country where he met with Honduran administrative and judicial officials and visited the men in jail.

“I . . . witnessed the deplorable conditions in which they were wrongfully held for nearly two months,” Fitzpatrick said. “The strength and courage of these men in the face of uncertainty and danger in a far-away place is an inspiration to me.”

After the meetings the men were freed.

Thank you Congressman.

Hat tip Teri Adams of the Independence Hall Tea Party Association


Aqua Quest Crew Freed, Thank You Congressman Fitzpatrick



Common Core vs Traditional Teaching

Educator Joanne Yurchak has submitted this excellent chart comparing the Common Core standards being pushed by uber-corporatist Bill Gates that is rapidly being adopted throughout the nation, including Pennsylvania.

The chart was produced by  Carole H. Haynes and Henry W. Burke.


Type #1


Classical Learning

Type #2


Common Core Standards


Radical Social Justice Agenda

Instruction Direct instruction by teacher Self-directed learning, group-think 

Emphasis on:

Subjectivity, feelings, emotions, beliefs, multiculturalism, political correctness, social engineering, globalism, evolution, sexual freedom, contraceptives, environmental extremism, global warming and climate change, victimization, diversity, acceptance of homosexuality as normal, redistribution of wealth



De-emphasis on:

Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Constitution, national sovereignty, Founding Fathers, American exceptionalism


Curriculum Academic, fact-based, skills, research Social concerns, project-based, constructivism, subjective, uses unproven fads and theories
Teacher’s Role Authority figure; sets the plan for the class; academic instruction Facilitator
Student’s Role Learn from teacher; focus on factual learning, develop foundation skills for logical and analytical reasoning, independent thinking Students teach each other; focus on feelings, emotions, opinions; group-think
English, Language Arts, Reading (ELAR) Phonics; classical literature; cursive handwriting; grammar; usage; correct spelling; expository, persuasive, research writing Whole language, balanced literacy, Guided Reading; no cursive writing instruction so cannot read primary documents of Founding Fathers
Mathematics “Drill and Skill,” four math functions learned to automaticity Fuzzy math, rejects drill and memorization of math facts, dependent on calculators
Social Studies Focus on American heritage and exceptionalism, national sovereignty, Founding documents Diversity, multiculturalism, globalization, revisionist history, political correctness
Character Development Pro-faith, self-control, personal responsibility, self-discipline, solid work ethic Secular, moral relativism, anti-faith, victimization
Equality Equal opportunities Equal outcomes
Assessment Students evaluated by earned grades, objective tests Inflated grades, subjective assessments evaluated based upon value system of grader, group grades
Outcomes Objective tests (right-or-wrong answers), emphasis on academic skills and knowledge Subjective assessments; emphasis on holistic, “feel good” scoring 




Common Core vs Traditional Teaching

Common Core vs Traditional Teaching