Election Day 2015

Tomorrow, Nov. 3, is Election Day 2015 and after much soul searching I am just going to hit the button for straight Republican. Election Day 2015

A few weeks back I basically endorsed Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Paul Panepinto, who is running as an independent for state Supreme Court.

Paul is a good man and I don’t regret a word I wrote but the Democrat ticket consists of three people who I strongly suspect are cut from the same cloth as disgraced Attorney General Kathleen Kane and one of whom is actually the brother of this guy.

While I still have my doubts about Republican Anne Covey they are just not worth making me take a chance and help cause what I am convinced would be a markedly corrupt Democrat takeover.

And it should be noted that Republicans Judith Olson and Michael George seem to be very good.

The other race of import is the Montgomery County Commissioner battle in which the party bosses are trying to do everything they can to keep Joe Gale from taking office because Joe beat one of the party’s endorsed candidates — a Planned Parenthood-supporting, well-connected businessman  — in the primary.

Party leaders are spreading a bizarre tale that Joe asked to be kept off the sample ballot. Right. He wins the Republican primary and doesn’t want to be on the sample ballot. Only a leader who thinks his followers are fools would dream of making such a laughable claim.

If you are a Montgomery County voter and are given a sample ballot with the complete Republican slate, hit the party button. If, however, the sample ballot omits Joe’s name, hit the party button so you make sure you get all the judges, then uncheck the name of Steve Tolbert — the other Republican commissioner candidate — while leaving Joe’s name active.

One minority party member is guaranteed a spot on the county’s three-person Board of Commissioners. Montco GOP Chairman Mike Vereb is apparently not trying to win but merely get his apparatchik as the minority member.

He should hang his head in disgrace for that and for endangering the judicial race.

UPDATE:  OK, I will confess and come clean. I ended up voting for Panepinto in lieu of Covey. I just like the guy.

Turnout was fairly high for an off-year election  in my Springfield polling place and tilted to the GOP even more than usual.

I worked the polls this morning for Montco Commissioner candidate Joe Gale at the Plymouth Fire House.  Joe was on the Republican sample ballot and the morning Republican poll workers were nice and as supportive of him  as they were of Steve Tolbert Jr., who was the party-endorsed candidate that won in the primary.

Turnout was very heavy at the polling place for an off year election, I was told , and evenly split between the parties. Plymouth has been trending Democrat, the GOP people said.

The precinct is the site of a hot town council race as unions are spending heavily to unseat incumbent Lenore Bruno who has been opposing regulations that would restrict township work to firms using union labor. If these regulations were imposed  the average resident would feel an unnecessary tax bite.

Good luck Lenore.

Election Day 2015

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-27-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-27-15

Evel Knievel sold insurance policies to institutionalized mental patients. He quit when his company wouldn’t promote him to vice president. This was before he became a famous daredevil.