241st Year Agenda

241st Year Agenda

By Don Adams

As our nation enters its 241st year, there are so many serious issues confronting us that it often seems overwhelming.241st Year Agenda

It appears there are three overarching problems currently threatening our Right to Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.

On the international front, no one can deny that the violence of Islamic Jihadism has been so pervasive over the past several decades, both in the US and abroad, as to warrant a most serious effort to defeat it.

Yet world leaders such as President Obama, Pope Benedict, and Angela Merkel focus far too much energy and resources on the supposed long term threat of “global warming” rather than the eminent danger of global terrorism. This colossal failure of leadership must radically change now or our way of life will be the next casualty.

We must declare war on Islamic Jihadists and determine to defeat them within this decade.

On the domestic front, we face pending economic and cultural decline due to excessive centralized government and a lack of individual responsibility.

Federal, state, and local governments, whose spending is largely out of control, continue to regulate and tax us into submission. As the arm of government attempts to reign supreme, it diminishes the importance of church, community and family in our personal lives. As a result, the economy remains stagnant and we the people grow restless.

The diminished church, the apathetic community, and the embattled family leave us vulnerable to negative cultural influences that peddle drug and alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, and other irresponsible behaviors.

Too many of our current elected officials and bureaucrats–in all levels of government–are attempting to control rather than to empower us to lead productive, happy lives.

But, alas, it is not too late to rise up, as our Founders did 240 years ago today, and fight to preserve our cherished freedoms and institutions.

As Brexit has shown, the pendulum is swinging against big, centralized government and in the direction of decentralized, limited government; individual empowerment; and personal responsibility.

If our nation can defeat ISIS and the onslaught of tyrannical government, we will have successfully brought the American Revolution into the 21st century.

Our Foundation hopes to be at the forefront of this ongoing, never-ending American Revolution–with all of you!

We pray God continues to bless you and our great nation.

Mr. Adams is on the board of the Independence Hall Foundation.

241st Year Agenda

John Ashe R.I.P.

John Ashe
John Ashe R.I.P.

John Ashe, a diplomat from Antigua and Barbuda who served as president of the United Nations General Assembly from September 2013 to September 2014, died, June 22, while working out at his home in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.

He was 61. It’s kind of an under-reported story considering his international prominence and his obvious concern for  physical fitness.

Well, officials say he was working out. What other possible explanation could there be, though, for having one’s larynx crushed by a barbell, which is how he died?

Ashe had a recent career setback when he was charged with crimes related to taking bribes from Chinese businessman Ng Lap Seng, who has long been active in American politics especially in Arkansas.

Ashe was scheduled to meet with prosecutors regarding his upcoming trial. Think he might have been willing to testify about this or that to avoid prison?

John Ashe R.I.P.


Independence Day 2016

Independence Day 2016Independence Day 2016 being celebrated (left) in Springfield, Pa. This part of the parade has just turned onto Springfield Road from Saxer Ave.

For those who don’t take seriously what the Fourth of July is about enlighten yourself.

It is unpleasant to be a serf. It is unpleasant to be a peasant. It is unpleasant to be a slave.

Granted slavery existed when the Declaration was signed but as someone famously noted it was basically gone four score and seven years later and its end came only because the foundation of our nation baldly stated that We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Understand that there are those who want to return us to serfdom where all economic decisions require permission from self-appointed elites, one’s speech most be constantly self-monitored least it offend them and one’s vote is meaningless.  

Fight these people. We are actually obliged to do so.

For those wishing to get technical slavery’s official demise in the U.S.A. didn’t happen until four score and nine years after the Delcaration.

Independence Day 2016

William Lawrence Omnibit 7-2-16

Police are trained to touch taillights of cars they stop. It leaves the officer’s fingerprint so the car can be positively identified if the driver should kill the officer and escape.

William Lawrence Omnibit 7-2-16