Deedra Abboud Defended By Sen. Flake

Deedra Abboud Defended By Sen. Flake — Bob Small of Swarthmore has let us know that Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake has come to bat for possible Democrat opponent Deedra Abboud, who is Muslim.

Deedra Abboud Defended By Sen. Flake

Deedra Abboud Defended By Sen. Flake

Easy Obamacare Replacement, A No Brainer

Easy Obamacare Replacement, A No Brainer — It appears the Obamacare disaster will remain with us for the time being, so we would again like to point out the solution is not complicated albeit it requires humility and honesty and the strength to fight those who lust for wealth and power whether they be in government or the private sphere.

First step is recognizing that there are two types of persons regarding insurance — those who carriers want as customers and those who they don’t. The latter consists of the elderly and those already with conditions. Their insurance will be funded entirely by taxes via Medicare, which is not much different than the status quo.

Second step is to abolish Medicaid. Most on Medicaid are desirable customers for  a private insurer — if they can pay the bill.

Third step will be to treat company health care plans as fully taxable income. This is the trickest. To make it palatable, business will have to fully convert the coverage to cash then add a premium so the employee’s disposable income actually increases. The incentive for business is the end of a major paper-work headache along with the uncertainty of unexpected rate hikes. The incentive for the employee is greater disposable income. The incentive for the rest of us is more market pressure on the cost of insurance policies resulting in less expensive ones.

Fourth step will be to maintain an individual mandate to carry catastrophic and emergency coverage. There will be no abortion or birth control or sex change coverage requirements. Those unable to afford a decent policy will be subsidized though taxes. Unlike Medicaid, however, the individual rather than the state will pick the policy. You think that’s unconservative? See step 2. Medicaid is abolished. An entire bureaucracy has been sent to the great oblivion to be replaced with something that is philosophically no different that school choice. The policies individuals choose will be in the private sector. Yes, we can have a work requirement for subsidies.

We believe this will solve all problems although expect tenacious opposition from insurance company croynists, social engineers and Randian objectivists.

Easy Obamacare Replacement, A No Brainer

Easy Obamacare Replacement, A No Brainer

Easy Obamacare Replacement, A No Brainer

America Finally Gets Left Which Is Why Left Lost

America Finally Gets Left Which Is Why Left Lost

By George Coyne

It’s been nine  months since the election and the Left seems to still not understand why they lost to Donald Trump (the lead deplorable). Actually only about half of the Left do not understand it. The rest do understand it, but can’t admit it, since that admission would contribute greatly to irreparable damage to their philosophy and agenda. So they have searched desperately for some excuse outside of the emptiness of their campaign, which pathetically promised more of the same approach of the last eight years.

First it was FBI Director Comey, who was forced to publicly disclose the criminal compromise of classified information by Clinton and her personal server, which was not under government supervision. Then it was the Russians “hacking” the election. The implication was that somehow the Russians interfered with the voting process. There has been no evidence provided that this occurred after six months and assuredly, if such evidence existed, it would have been broadcast by now. The latest reason recently provided by Clinton was misogyny.

The real reason that Clinton lost was that the American people finally began to understand the MO of the progressive Left and its relentless “progress” to socialism and the overwhelming power and control of the federal government at the expense of individual liberty. Look no further than the degree of support for avowed socialist Bernie Sanders, who may actually have gotten the Democrat nomination without the interference of the Clinton team. People began to understand the poison of “identity” politics that had been perfected under Obama, in which ethnic, racial and social groups were pitted against each other to gain government favor. Individual freedom and rights were being submerged in the process. Also look no further than the unconstrained power and growth of unelected bureaucratic (and politicized) agencies such as the IRS, EPA, DOE, CPA and SEC.

Significantly more citizens, within every artificial “identity group,” understood this long-term trend better today than they did eight years ago and realized that they again wanted to be proud of America and its values.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” — Lord Acton.

Mr. Coyne is a resident of Newtown, Pa.


William W. Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 7-15-17

Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had a marvelous sense of humor, was obliged to attend many social functions where he was introduced to a multitude of strangers. He noticed that hardly anyone every paid any attention to the small talk exchanged. He decided to test this observation by muttering “I murdered my grandmother this morning.” His theory was proving infallible until he shook hands with a Wall Street Republican who muttered back “She certainly had it coming.”

William W. Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 7-15-17

Edith Cavell Belgian Cheese Omelete

Edith Cavell Belgian Cheese Omelete

By William Lawrence Sr.

Edith Cavell watched silently as the August sun beat down on the green-gray lines of German troops marching into Brussels.

She had arrived from her native England seven years before to organize and direct L’Ecole Belge pour les Infirmieres Diplomees, Belgium’s first nursing school, which almost immediately became known simply as the Clinique.

She had already made a dent in the country’s nursing profession. Before her arrival, doctors had treated nurses as servants. She told her students to demand they be addressed as “Nurse.”

When they expressed doubt, Miss Cavell insisted that “even doctors can learn to be courteous.”

By 1914, the nursing profession had been uplifted to a point where the school was not longer having a problem attracting excellent students.

Then the Germans came. Miss Cavell ordered her charges to treat all soldiers equally without regard to nationality. There were many allied soldiers still wandering around Belgium. Many were sick or wounded.

Miss Cavell welcomed them to the Clinique, then went a step further and helped to smuggle them through German lines to France or Holland.

The quiet spoken nurse was always small and slender. The night journeys caused her to lose even more weight and become haggard.

The Belgians soon knew the Clinique was a haven for Allied soldiers. There, unfortunately were a few pro-German Belgians, who alerted the Germans.

They planted a couple of men who posed as French soldiers, and about a year after Miss Cavell had started smuggling operation she was arrested.

She had probably never told a lie in her life, and she refused to lie at her trial.

Asked if she had helped 20 soldiers to escape, she softly replied, “It was more like 200.”

She was found guilty by the German military tribunal. A judge read the verdict: “Edith Cavell – todesstrafe – death!”

During the following weeks she wrote to all those dear to her never once expressing fear. To her nurses, she wrote “If there is one among you whom I have wronged, I beg you to forgive me. I have been perhaps too severe sometimes but never voluntarily unjust. And I have loved you all much more than you thought.”

When the guards arrived at 6 a.m. on the day of her execution, she had just finished jotting a note in her prayer book. It read: “Died at 7 a.m. on Oct. 12th, 1915. With love to my mother. E. Cavell.”

She was taken to a rose garden to face the firing squad. A German officer shouted a command. There was a burst of gunfire. Edith Cavell was dead.

But she is still remembered. The Clinique is now called: “Ecole Edith Cavell.”

A beautiful statue of Edith Cavell in her nurse’s cloak stands majestically in London’s Trafalgar Square. There is a sculpture of her in Paris’ Tuileries Garden. There is Mt. Cavell in Canada and Cavell Glacier in the U.S. Rocky Mountains. Her portrait hangs in her childhood home in Swardeston, England and over the altar of the church of which her father served as pastor is a stained glass window dedicated to her memory.

Edith Cavell’s favorite meal, as with many Brits, was breakfast. She especially enjoyed a simple but delicious Belgian cheese omelet similar to the one that follows.

Edith Cavell’s Belgian Cheese Omelet

6 eggs

2/3 Cup chopped or shredded Swiss or gruyere cheese

2 Tbs. of butter



Thyme (what makes it special)

Mix eggs in bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste, along with healthy sprinkle of thyme. Melt butter in 12-inch frying pan. Pour eggs in pan. Tilt pan so eggs cover bottom of pan. Let stand over heat a few seconds. Loosen edge of omelet all around with spatula. Sprinkle with cheese. Tilt pan, using spatula carefully roll up omelet or fold in half.

Hold skillet so that bottom rests on edge of platter, slowly roll omelet onto plate.


Edith Cavell Belgian Cheese Omelete

Edith Cavell Belgian Cheese Omelete

William W. Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 7-14-17

Q – Who was William Baffin?

A- Billy Baffin was an English navigator who explored Greenland and Baffin Bay in 1616. He was seeking a northwest passage to Asia.

William W. Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 7-14-17

Budget Approaches Fail Taxpayer

Budget Approaches Fail Taxpayer

By Leo Knepper

On Monday, (July 10) Gov. Wolf allowed the state budget to become law without his signature despite the fact that the budget didn’t balance. The budget passed by the House and Senate spends more than the Treasury is likely to collect. The House and Senate shouldn’t have passed the budget without a clear plan to fund the expenditures. The Governor should have either vetoed or line-item vetoed the budget. As it stands, credit rating agencies may downgrade the Commonwealth again. A downgrade won’t solve our problems, and the two “solutions” under consideration won’t be good for taxpayers.

On one side: a Democrat governor who wants to raise taxes and leave a legacy of suffocating costs. On the other side: a Republican House and Senate looking to borrow their way out of trouble and leave a legacy of crushing debt. The solution nobody in Harrisburg wants to discuss? Spending reduction, which would leave a legacy of budget corrections that would eventually pay off for taxpayers.

There are ways that the General Assembly could cut costs. First, they could dissolve the Race Horse Development Fund. The Fund subsidizes “purses” for horse racing. In 2015, some of that money went to a billionaire from the United Arab Emirates.  Considering Pennsylvania’s financial needs, this doesn’t sound like the best use of resources. A second option, would be to reform the welfare code to add work requirements. In 2014, Maine added a work requirement for able-bodied childless adults. In two years the number of able-bodied childless adults receiving food stamps dropped by over 90 percent. This change not only saved taxpayers money, but it also added people to the tax rolls.

There are a number of other ways that the General Assembly could put taxpayers first. It’s up to “leadership” in the General Assembly to step up to plate to make that happen. And, based on their track record that doesn’t seem likely.

Mr. Knepper is executive director of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.

Budget Approaches Fail Taxpayer

Budget Approaches Fail Taxpayer  By Leo Knepper  On Monday, Governor Wolf allowed the state budget to become law without his signature despite the fact