Passionately opposed William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-4-18

Passionately opposed William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-4-18

Drsc zvkxod sc vkbqovi sxrklsdon li zkbbydc, kxn sd sc okci dy nscqesco pyvvi li qsfsxq sd k psxo xkwo.
K.O. Ryecwkx (kddbsledon)

 I don't want to kill anybody. I am passionately opposed to killing, but I'm even more passionately fond of freedom. Edward Teller Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: I don’t want to kill anybody. I am passionately opposed to killing, but I’m even more passionately fond of freedom.
Edward Teller


Visit for discussion on philosophy and science.

Muscles to frown William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-3-18

Does it really take more muscles to frown than smile? Nope. It takes but 11 muscles to frown while 12 to smile. Don’t be lazy. Smile.

Muscles to frown William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-3-18

Muscles to frown William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-3-18

Amazon Postal Cronyism And President Trump

Amazon Postal Cronyism And President Trump — President Trump, this morning, tweeted:

I am right about Amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money for being their Delivery Boy. Amazon should pay these costs (plus) and not have them bourne by the American Taxpayer. Many billions of dollars. P.O. leaders don’t have a clue (or do they?)!

Note the parentheses around “or do they.”

You don’t need to be a brain surgeon like Ben Carson to get that he is expressing a suspicion that the leaders of the United States Postal Service are taking bribes.

It is not an unfair suspicion.

Not even a week ago — March 28 — President Trump fired Dr. David Shulkin as secretary of Veterans Affairs, replacing him with Ronny L. Jackson, who had been the White House doctor and is a Navy admiral.

Shulkin last summer took his wife on a luxurious European vacation on the taxpayer dime and accepted gifts that could be construed as graft. He also was by many accounts dragging his feet on needed reforms.

So if Amazon is getting the great taxpayer subsidy via the postal service as it appears why would one not expect palms to be getting greased?

Amazon Postal Cronyism And President Trump
Amazon Postal Cronyism And President Trump

Mariani, Matuszewski Remembered With Flag Raising

Mariani, Matuszewski Remembered With Flag Raising — A casket flag raising ceremony will be held, 5 p.m., April 8, at the Delaware County Veterans Memorial to honor George Matuszewski of Brookhaven who served in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Nazzareno “Nazz” Mariani, a World War II Army veteran.

Mr. Mariani, who owned the Edgmont Country Club and was a graduate of Haverford High School, died in 2003 while Mr. Matuszewski was graudated from Sun Valley and passed away earlier this year. He was a member of the Veterans Memorial committee.

The Memorial is at 4599 West Chester Pike in Newtown Square.

Mariani, Matuszewski Remembered With Flag Raising

Mariani, Matuszewski Remembered With Flag Raising


When angry William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-3-18

When angry William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-3-18

R mxw’c fjwc cx truu jwhkxmh. R jv yjbbrxwjcnuh xyyxbnm cx truurwp, kdc R’v nenw vxan yjbbrxwjcnuh oxwm xo oannmxv.
Nmfjam Cnuuna

When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry a hundred. John Quigg Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry a hundred.
John Quigg


Visit for discussion on philosophy and science.

Hrutka Easter Cheese Makes Great Leftover Meals

Hrutka Easter Cheese
Hrutka ready to cut

Hrutka Easter Cheese — Easter is over which means leftovers which around here means leftover hrutka or Easter cheese.

Hrutka is a traditional Slovak dish and is not a cheese. It is not unfairly compared to a big ball of cold scrambled eggs.

Yes, there is usually a lot of leftover hrutka.

But that’s where the dish truly shines. Microwave it with onions, cheese and leftover ham and you have an instant omelette. Heat it up and put it on an English muffin and an easy hrutka McMuffin.

And yes, if you should be lucky enough to acquire a taste you will enjoy it cold with horseradish and leftover kielbasa.

Hrutka Easter Cheese
Hrutka ready to eat with kielbasa and beet horseradish.

It’s never thrown out.

Here is how we make our hrutka:

Whisk 13 eggs, a quart of whole milk and a two teaspoons of salt in a big enough microwave-safe bowl. Nuke it between 25-30 minutes at 70 power stirring occasionally. Ladle it into a cheesecloth and hang it in the refrigerator overnight.

And there you have hrutka.

Hrutka Easter Cheese

Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News

Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News — This has popped up in the threads of some of those we follow on Facebook and should be given wider play.

Watch it, weep,  turn off the old news outlets then share. When they use the same, rather unimportant-unless-you-have-a-specific-agenda stories with the same phrases all over the country be sure the effort is organized.

We especially like “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy”.

It’s the irony.

If news coverage is organized it’s not about covering news.

Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News

Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News


Christos Voskrese 2018

Christos Voskrese 2018
Father John Ciurpita (left) blesses baskets after Easter services at Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church in Ridley.

Christos Voskrese 2018 — Christos voskrese, which means Christ has Risen, is the Easter greeting in Church Slavonic which brings the response Voistinu voskrese or Indeed, He has risen.

Easter, of course, celebrates the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus and the salvation of Man.  The date for Easter is the Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox, which is always reckoned, regardless of astronomical observations, to be March 21 as per the Western churches that use the Gregorian calendar, so Easter always falls between March 22 and April 25.

The dating for Easter correlates with the means the Jews once used to set the date for Passover, which correlates with Scripture since Scripture indicates that the Crucifixion of the Lord occurred as the lambs were being slaughtered for the celebration of that holiday. In fact, in most Western languages the name for the day is a cognate of the Pesach which is the Hebrew name for Passover. In Latin it would be Pascha so Paschal lamb would be Passover lamb.

In English and German, the word comes from Eostre month, which was basically April, and which the pagans who spoke Germanic languages had named for the goddess Eostre much as our own March and April are named for the Greek god and goddess Mars and Aphrodite, respectively. In Slavic, the holiday is called “Great Night” (Velikonoce in Slovak) or “Great Day” (Velikden in Ukrainian). There are some caveats regarding the date. The Eastern churches that use the Julian calendar set the equinox  at April 3, and, of course, the spring equinox is based on that of the Northern Hemisphere.

So, Christos Voskrese 2018.

Christos Voskrese 2018