Potato chip William Lawrence Sr 6-15-19

Catherine Wicks circa 1850 accidentally sliced a potato too thin which by accident fell into a pan fat in the kitchen of Cary Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. She placed it on a plate and her brother George Crum, who was the chef, tasted it. He said something akin to “yum, we will make a lot of these” and they did. Hence, was born the potato chip. At least according to one version.

Potato chip William Lawrence Sr 6-15-19
potato chip
George Crum said Yum and we have the chip.

Good books William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-15-19

Good books William W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-15-19

Qr pdwwhu zkdw brxu khduwdfkh pdb eh, odxjklqj khosv brx irujhw lw iru d ihz vhfrqgv.

Uhg Vnhowrq

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.
Rene Descartes


good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.
Rene Descartes