Abraham Crijnssen William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-2-20

The Dutch minesweeper HNLMS Abraham Crijnssen was trapped in what is now Indonesia when the Japanese over the then colony in 1942. The slow lightly armed vessel disguised itself as an island and successfully escaped.

Abraham Crijnssen William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-2-20
Abraham Crijnssen William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 5-2-20

All things seem possible William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-2-20

All things seem possible William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-2-20

Fvb hyl ulcly avv vsk av zla huvaoly nvhs vy av kylht h uld kylht.
J. Z. Sldpz

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.
Edwin Way Teale

All things seem possible

Cryptowit Quote Puzzle can also be found at BillLawrenceDittos.com
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