Plandemic Censorship Troubling

Plandemic Censorship Troubling — The video, Plandemic, featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits and alleging that Dr. Tony Fauci is personally profiting from connections to “big pharma” has been scrubbed from Facebook, Youtube and just about everywhere else.

But not everywhere else. See below.

We have expressed concerns about big pharma’s (and Fauci’s) endorsement of remdesivir and dismissal of hydroxychloroquine with regard to treating Covid-19 but we will remain neutral about Dr. Mikovits and Plandemic.

In the interest of free speech and free thinking, you can watch it for yourself at here:.

Plandemic Censorship Troubling
Plandemic Censorship Troubling

Money is only useful William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-9-20

Money is only useful William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-9-20

Wkh mre ri wkh duwlvw lv dozdbv wr ghhshq wkh pbvwhub.
Iudqflv Edfrq

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Money is only useful when you get rid of it. It is like the odd card in ‘Old Maid’; the player who is finally left with it has lost.
Evelyn Waugh

Money is only useful