Time’s Up Joe Gotta Go
The Resident in Chief checking his watch during an Aug. 30 ceremony at Dover Air Force Base for the 13 U.S. military personnel killed during a terrorist attack in Kabul on Aug. 26.
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
Time’s Up Joe Gotta Go
The Resident in Chief checking his watch during an Aug. 30 ceremony at Dover Air Force Base for the 13 U.S. military personnel killed during a terrorist attack in Kabul on Aug. 26.
Covid VAERS Data Accessible On Patriot Online — Delco, Pa. data scientist Gregory Stenstrom downloaded the Covid-19 stats from the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), Aug. 27, as a csv file and put it on Patriot.Online.
Stenstrom is the co-founder of social media site, which is growing fast enough to be perceived as a threat by Facebook.
You can download Stenstrom’s work here and open it in any spreadsheet. It’s sorted by age so the youngest are the first. Why would anyone give this vax to an infant?
Here is a sample. Click to enlarge.
Backward not a step William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-31-21
Pm ozz hvsgs zcjszm hcysbg Gsdhsapsf romg ofs vsfs, Kwhv giaasf’g psgh ct ksohvsf Obr oihiab’g psgh ct qvssf.
Vszsb Vibh Xoqygcb
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Forward forward, backward not a step.
Czech Proverb