Powerful Meme Alarms Frank Luntz

Powerful Meme Alarms Frank Luntz@Lauren3veMemes designed with two others the below work of art which is making the rounds on X once known as Twitter.

It has Frank Luntz alarmed.

He calls it an ad while Lauren calls it a meme.

Regardless, we couldn’t find any falsehoods in it nor any exaggerations for that matter.

Here it is:

Powerful Meme Alarms Frank Luntz

Larry Elder Time Has Arrived?

Larry Elder Time Has Arrived?

By Bob Small

One of the more well-known second-tier candidates for the upcoming presidential race is African-American Larry Elder, aka Lawrence Allen Elder, the 72-year-old California radio talk-show host of The Larry Elder Show. In the “crime” section of his campaign web site, he says that one reason he’s running is to support “the Enforce-the-Law Act” to rein in the George Soros-backed prosecutors and hold them “accountable”.

He’s known for his candidacy in the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election, in which he garnered an astounding 48 percent of the vote!

Elder grew up in South Los Angeles and is a graduate of Brown University and the University of Michigan Law School. This article lists 14 links at the end, including one to an article stating that Elder’s ex-fiancée has become his biggest critic, and another one entitled “Elder and Newsom: A Special Relationship”.

He opposes college-admission racial preferences as “hurting more qualified students” and says that “the people that supposedly benefit end up dropping out. You put somebody on a campus where the pace is too fast, and they’re not going to be able to keep up.”

When he was first offered a job as a talk show host, he discussed it with his then-wife, Cynthia, a physician. According to him, the conversation went like this:

Larry: “I think of talk radio as stupid, shallow, and glib”.

Cynthia: “It is, you’d be good at it”.

Elder later stated that this “gives you an idea of that marriage”.

His private life has taken several twists and turns since then.

For another view of Larry Elder, see Opinion | The Off-Mic Moment That Changed My View of Larry Elder

Larry Elder is also a prolific author.

Note: Only a Black man could get away with titling a book Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card — and Lose.

Lastly, Larry Elder is challenging the RNC debate limits.

RNC debate limits are bad for the party and the American people

“Restricting speech is the way of the regressive left, obsessed with censorship on college campuses and in corporate boardrooms. Republicans have long championed free speech.”

Hopefully, some of the second-tier GOP candidates will be included in the upcoming debate(s).

Larry Elder Time Has Arrived?

Larry Elder Time Has Arrived?

Arguing With A Democrat About Biden

Arguing With A Democrat About Biden — What we’ve been saying for almost a decade is now being revealed to the masses and it’s every bit as bad as we have been saying.

Pretender Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is a corrupt monster who has sold out his country for money. He is a literal traitor, and is more than willing to use all the powers of the law to which he has access to destroy political opponents.

Many still refuse to accept this, however. Maybe they get their news from traditional sources they have long trusted and cannot come to accept that these sources are but propaganda that lie without hesitation in the service of the powerful.

Or maybe they are just blinded by emotion and can’t accept that they have been horribly fooled.

@mazemoore wrote this on Twitter — sorry, X — as how discussions with diehard Democrats usually go:

Where’s the proof that Biden is actually corrupt?

Emails, text messages, and bank statements that explicitly detail the scam the Bidens were running.

No I want real proof.

Video of Biden himself extorting.

No I want real proof.

Whistleblowers and business partners that have spent hours detailing the scam that the Bidens were running.

No I want real proof. See, you don’t have any. You are in a cult.

Arguing With A Democrat About Biden

Arguing With A Democrat About Biden

Better to be alone than in bad company William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-25-17

Better to be alone than in bad company William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 7-25-17

Uvfgbevnaf ner yvxr qrns crbcyr jub tb ba nafjrevat dhrfgvbaf gung ab bar unf nfxrq gurz.
Yrb Gbyfgbl

better to be alone than in bad companyAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
George Washington