2024 Bill of Rights Commemorative Banquet
By Bob Small
For at least two decades we have been attending the annual Bill of Rights Commemorative Banquet organized by Pennsylvanians Erik and Carris Kocher’s Bill of Rights Bicentennial Committee. This year’s, the 33rd, was Dec. 14. The one this year, on December 14th, was the 33rd one .
We began attending after meeting Erik Kocher through our Pennsylvania ballot access work. We were Greens. He was Constitution.
This event at Yoder’s Country Market in New Holland followed the format of recognition of regular attendee. The Star-Spangled Banner was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, which was followed by the dinner, where each table members got to know each other. This was followed by the traditional reading of the Bill of Rights.
The initial speaker was Gary Heasley of The Conservative Voice. He described how the pre-election polls did not take into account the “unpollable people”. For more of his and other conservative voices, listen to WWDB-AM – Talk 860. He also mentioned other organization is which he was involved including ChescoUnited; Keystone Fair Business Partners; and Magnolia Womens Center.
The main event the Delco Updates speakers Leah Hoopes and Greg Senstrum.
“The cognitive dissonance is that we have elections,” Greg said, and then ask where did 25 million votes go.
“Well they never existed,” he said.
Illegitimate candidates were installed, he said. He cited the book written by himself and Ms. Hoopes: The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception.
“We know who’s stolen our country and they know we’re coming for them,” he said.
Leah Hoopes cited the various court cases involving Delaware County.
The five 2024 Bill of Rights Honorees was our Delco’s Joy Schwartz; Mike Lindell; Joe Oltmann; Tina Peters And the J6 Political Prisoners.

2024 Bill of Rights Commemorative Banquet