Anne Coogan Steps Down To Universal Praise — Anne M. Coogan is retiring from her post as Delaware County (Pa) clerk and she was sung off with universal praise at last night’s, June 18, County Council meeting.
Councilman Richard R. Womack called her a “priceless jewel.”
Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther said she helped her even before she took office and that it will take three persons to replace her.
Councilwoman Dr. Monica Taylor was near tears in her tribute. She noted that Ms. Coogan started with the county in 2003 and had been county for 16 years.
But that’s not the full tribute.
Joy Schwartz and Sharon Devaney — vocal opponents of this present council — were equally effusive in their praise for Ms. Coogan.
Mrs. Schwartz even said she got along with Rob Mancini.
We think it’s safe to say she’ll be missed.
Kudos to Womack for his unifying comments at the meeting’s end.
Anne Coogan Steps Down To Universal Praise