Buffalo Brutality Was Staged And Woke Pols Fell For It —
Update: Gerry Mander Senker from ThisIsLowerMerion.Com is curious as to how this incident could have been staged as the stager, Martin Gugino, was injured. Gerry, we – and others — are saying that Gugino, with premeditation, put himself in the way of a line of officers advancing to a disturbance to create an incident to make the police look bad. He succeeded. He should be ashamed of himself. A shove is what you do to move someone out of the way. We are confident that the officer’s goal wasn’t for Gugino’s head to hit the pavement. We have a strong suspicion though that Gugino’s goal was for some cop to lose his job. We are adding Tweets screensaved from Gugino’s now protected Twitter account.
Two police officers were suspended in Buffalo after video went viral purportedly showing them shoving a helpless old man to the ground and letting him bleed during a protest.
“I was deeply disturbed by the video,” said Mayor Byron Brown.
“(It) disturbs our basic sense of decency and humanity.” said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “Why, why? Why was that necessary? Where was the threat? Older gentleman, where was the threat? Then you just walk by the person when you see blood coming from his head?”
Oh come on Andy. Just pretend he was a patient in one of your nursing homes.
It turns out that “helpless” old man was Martin Gugino, a long-time agitator who was apparently trying to stage the incident.
The suspended officers’ brothers and sisters on the riot squad knew it was a scam. They resigned in mass. How did the community leaders react? With shrugs.
Who needs police anyway? Except for normal working people, of course.
Buffalo Brutality Was Staged And Woke Pols Fell For It
It was staged. It is just that Martin Gugino didn’t know he was going to trip backwards and hit his head on the pavement.