Corporate America Wants Gay Marriage

An amicus brief was filed March 5 by 379 corporations and business groups urging the U.S. Supreme Court to declare “marriage rights” for same sex marriage with regard to Obergefell v. Hodges. Corporate America Wants Gay Marriage

The list includes CBS and Philly’s own Comcast which owns NBC so expect the news you get about the matter to be what you expect.

It includes Goldman Sachs from whence, it seems, more often than not comes  our treasury secretaries. And of course it includes all the hip tech companies like Apple and Facebook and Google.

You get the suspicion that this is a done deal and no amount of reason or rationality can change things.

Still, we will try.

Sodomy is bad and society should not give an inkling of approval for it. It should be given the same status as chain smoking cigarettes or eating super-sized meals thrice a day.  It should be encouraged as much as sharing a needle in a crack house.  People who care about people don’t give license for these things.

The claim that people are born gay is problematic. Just ask a heterosexual male who has been pestered by a gay one. Obviously, recruitment occurs, and obviously choices are made. The claim that one is born in such a way that one can’t resist a sexual relationship with another male is the linchpin of the gay marriage movement. It makes about as much sense as saying a man can’t resist a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old girl or another man’s wife.

Civil marriage is not about personal fulfillment. The only reason for the state to be involved in the relationship between two people is because third parties might find themselves involuntarily involved. With a man and a women these third parties are called children. It is pointed out that marriages occur now between parties that cannot or do not intend to have children. These are marriages of convenience. They are not good things. They should, in fact, be discouraged. If gay marriage is declared a right, marriages of convenience will become the norm. Why shouldn’t two business partners get married to resolve tax issues? If gay marriage becomes a right, why not incest? The only reason for the institution is  “love” and “personal fulfillment” right? A father-son marriage would certainly be a way of beating the inheritance bite. Meanwhile, the moms and dads  who are actually working to create the future find the burden just gets a little harder for them.

Fathers are vital to child rearing, maybe even more so than mothers. While, we think you can make, unlike for men, some kind of a case for a marriage between  two women, choosing to raise a child without a father is epitome of irresponsibility and should be discouraged.

Ancient wisdom matters. The Bible is not ambiguous regarding homosexuality. It’s a bad thing according to Scripture. History backs this up. Societies where male homosexuality was commonplace — again putting paid the claim that one is always born gay — have not been very pleasant for women. And regarding the purposeful and even pleasure-filled rejection of the Biblical commands, when one discounts the straightforward condemnations of things one doesn’t like, one will find others discounting the things upon one has come to depend.  Why should one expect mercy and compassion and tolerance? Because Comcast said so? LOL.

Here is a list of  the 379 business groups that want gay marriage to be a right.

Corporate America Wants Gay Marriage






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