Donald Trump Uniter In Chief — Today, Nov.3, is Election Day and while endorsements are far more often counter-productive than not, we feel loyal readers should know what we want in a president and which of the candidates we feel is best for the job.
Our demands are high.
We want someone who can make the Israelis and Arabs exchange ambassadors.
We want someone who is endorsed by the police AND the rappers.
We want someone who can get Mike Pence to dance to YMCA.
Of the two main candidates, we feel Donald Trump is the only one who we think can meet these difficult standards.
We endorse Donald Trump for president.
I have not seen Mike Pence dance to YMCA yet, But Donald Trump has, very cute!
Watching the second last MAGA rally last night (watched a lot of these on YOUTUBE) Mike Pence was there also and gave a great speech – but I did not see him dance, maybe after they are re elected today. Pres Trump always gives a great speech and sometimes dances, I hope we can all watch these two great men give many more speeches, while moving your country ahead so well.
He did it about 1 a.m. at the Grand Rapids one. Trump-Pence is a great ticket. Keep praying. It’s looking pretty good.
A President like no other!
I am hoping for a win. But the hard fight is still to come. In Montgomery County, the fraud began weeks ago. It will continue until the final determination is made.