Fitzpatrick Worker Takes Entin Signs — Brian Fitzpatrick who is seeking a third term to represent Pennsylvania’s 1st District in Congress is facing a Republican primary challenge from Alex Entin, a regular patriotic family man with an MBA.
Is Fitzpatrick afraid of Entin?
Below is video of one of his campaign workers brazenly taking Entin signs on Stonyhill Road in Lower Makefield at Route 332.
The minion says they were illegal.
Since when do campaign workers enforce laws?
Maybe Fitzpatrick, a former FBI agent, can answer.
For what it’s worth, being an FBI guy is no longer a resume enhancer.
The primary election is May 17.
Here is the video.
The license plate is right there. Did anyone call police and go after this guy? Who determined that the signs were “illegal”? The guy was committing an illegal act by stealing the signs. Too bad the woman couldn’t climb in the back of the pickup and toss the signs out.
My daughter and I met Alex Entin at an event about a week ago. If I lived in his district, I would vote for Alex. I think Brian has been around a little too long. Maybe way too long.
Tom Sommers aka Turtleman, aka Fitzpatrick driver was arrested years ago for black marketing, endangered spieces of rare turtles.