Green Party Caucus In Delaware County — The Delaware County Green Party held its caucus, today, April 23, at Swarthmore Borough Hall. Seven persons attended and four voted.
Spokesman Bob Small said turnout was way down from recent years as the major parties are still having hotly contested primaries.
There are 13 candidates on the ballot five of whom are endorsed. They are Darryl Cherney of Northern California, Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry of Southern California, William Kreml of South Carolina, Kent Philip Mesplay of Texas and Jill Stein of Massachusetts.
Cherney talked to the audience via Skype. He said that among his achievements were founding the Headwater Redwood Reserve and winning a $4.4 million lawsuit against the federal government after the FBI alleged he and Judi Bari had blown themselves up in a pipe-bomb incident in 1990. He said that among the first things he would do if elected president would be to pardon several people including Chelsea Manning and Leonard Peltier, and cover the White House in solar panels.
He also said he would ban fracking and create a new commission to re-investigate the 9/11 terror attacks. He said the first investigation was a cover-up and cited as evidence the current attempt to declassify of 28 of its pages allegedly implicating Saudi Arabia.
Ms. Curry talked to the audience by phone. She said the Green Party is run by white males over 50 and it is her goal to get more woman of color in power in the party and, presumably, the country.
Statements were read from Kreml and Mesplay by moderator Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick.
Ms. Stein, who was the party’s candidate in 2012, is expected to win the nomination again this year.
There are about 600 Green Party members in Delaware County.
Small noted before the caucus, that while only registered Republicans or Democrats may vote in their respective party primaries on Tuesday, there is referendum question regarding amendments to the state Constitution available to all registered voters.
Shall the Pennsylvania Constitution be amended to abolish the Philadelphia Traffic Court?
The Delaware County Green Party held its caucus, today, April 23, at Swarthmore Borough Hall. Seven persons attended and four voted.
Honey Badger is supposed to care?
Honey Badger doesn’t give a kaka what seven crazies give poopoo about!
We do well not to ignore anyone, no matter how ridiculous we may believe their ideas to be. Remember that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was a group of 8 men, debating wild theories in a back room on an old Munich tavern, when an evil genius stumbled upon them and saw a vehicle to power. I don’t mean to say that the Green Party is evil, just, always keep an eye out.
You have a point. The local contingent were pretty decent people but some of the candidates were scary. They were very upfront about how they would ignore the legislative process to achieve their goals if they should obtain power.